16.The Silent Fight

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  Shawn sat down on a chair and took out his phone, making a few calls.

  When no one answered, he grew visibly frustrated.

  "Yaron, do you think Quinn's doing this on purpose?"

  "Doing what?"

  "Today, I just confessed to Gwen, and this is how she chooses to make things difficult.

  Earlier, on the news, they reported that a female college student jumped into the river and committed suicide over a relationship."

  Damn it, I thought it was her, that she couldn't handle it and just drove off after ditching Gwen. But it wasn't her they pulled out of the river.

  I've been calling her all night, and she's not answering. And now she's nowhere to be found."

  Shawn threw his phone onto the table.

  "She's doing this on purpose, trying to ruin my night."

  He let out a humorless laugh.

  "I swear, it's like she's planning to cling to me for the rest of her life."

  "Not necessarily." Yaron suddenly interjected.

  Shawn seemed surprised. "Not necessarily?"

  "Yaron, you've seen with your own eyes how she's been clinging to me these past two years. You're sick of her too; you've never given her the time of day."

  I couldn't help myself. I bit down on Yaron's waist.

  He flinched, instinctively raising his hand to block me.

  His fingers brushed against my lips, and I seized the opportunity, biting down gently.

  His entire body tensed, and he let out a low hiss.

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