Chapter 5: The Hidden Edge

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Days had passed since Aiden first set foot in the dojo. Each day, the routine was the same, yet vastly different in its lessons. He found himself immersed in the rhythm of training, learning to synchronize his movements with the ebb and flow of combat. For someone whose body was that of a man in his mid-twenties, it was a surreal experience—inside, he still felt like a teenager, grappling with the raw energy and emotion that came with youth.

As he walked through the main hall to his next class, he couldn't help but notice the subtle shifts in how the others treated him. There was an unspoken respect in their glances, a recognition of his rapid progress. In just a few sessions, Aiden had surpassed many of his peers, his natural talent and relentless drive pushing him to the top of his batch.

During break time, Aiden found himself surrounded by a small group of friends—fellow students who had gravitated toward him not just for his skills, but for his approachable nature. Despite his serious demeanor during training, he was quick to laugh, easy to talk to, and surprisingly insightful for someone who looked so young.

"Man, I don't know how you do it," one of his friends, Hiroshi, said, shaking his head in disbelief. "You've only been here a short time, but you’re already outpacing everyone."

Aiden shrugged, a modest smile playing on his lips. "I just pick things up quickly, I guess."

"It's not just that," said another friend, a girl named Emi. "It's like you have this... clarity. Like you see things before they happen."

Aiden paused, considering her words. Perhaps it was true—his reflexes, his instinctual understanding of movement and intention, felt like second nature to him. But he couldn’t explain it fully. "Maybe. I just focus on the basics. When you get those down, everything else falls into place."

Their conversation was interrupted by a commotion near the dojo's entrance. A group of fighters from a different batch, older and bulkier, were crowding around a few of the younger students, their jeers loud and taunting.

"Hey, look at these weaklings!" one of the older fighters sneered. "You think you belong here with the real warriors?"

Aiden recognized the students being mocked—they were newcomers, just like him, but less experienced. Before he realized it, his feet were already moving, carrying him toward the scene. His friends followed closely behind, sensing the tension.

"Hey!" Aiden called out as he approached the group. "Cut it out."

The older fighters turned to him, their expressions shifting from amusement to annoyance. The one who had spoken earlier sized Aiden up, his eyes narrowing. "Oh, look who it is—the rookie genius. What, you think you can tell us what to do?"

Aiden met the man’s gaze evenly, his voice calm but firm. "You’ve been here for ten years, right? That’s impressive. But maybe you should’ve spent some of that time training your mind, not just your body."

The words hung in the air for a moment, and then, to Aiden's surprise, a few chuckles rose from the crowd. The older fighter’s face flushed with anger at the insult, and in a flash, he lunged at Aiden, aiming to put the upstart in his place.

But Aiden was faster—much faster. With a fluid motion, he caught the man’s wrist, twisted it effortlessly, and flipped him over his shoulder. The older fighter slammed into the ground with a resounding thud, the breath knocked out of him.

A collective gasp rippled through the onlookers. They had seen skilled fighters before, but the speed, precision, and sheer power behind Aiden’s move were beyond what they expected from someone with so little experience.

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