Chapter 2: Behind Closed Doors

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The heavy oak door creaked shut, swallowing Adira in a silence so profound it felt alive. Behind the grandeur of Dante's mansion, behind the silk-draped windows and the elegant chandeliers, behind all the beauty he surrounded her with, lay the true darkness of her life. A darkness no one could see from the outside.

Adira's trembling fingers brushed against the soft fabric of her dress, a garment too beautiful for the ugliness that awaited her beyond the threshold. Each step she took away from the foyer made her feel smaller, as if the house itself was closing in on her, shrinking her world down to the twisted reality she endured in secret.

Behind the closed doors of Dante's empire, she was no one.

The elaborate lies that Dante spun for the world his poised charm, his ruthless business acumen, his perfect relationship with his beautiful fiancée were all meticulously crafted illusions. He played the role of the loving, doting partner with the finesse of an actor on stage, and in public, Adira had learned to wear her mask just as convincingly.

But once the doors closed, the mask slipped.

Adira stood in the hallway, her heart beating wildly as if trying to break free from the prison of her ribcage. The air was thick with the weight of expectation. She could already feel the tension simmering beneath her skin, the sick anticipation of what was to come.

"Adira," Dante's voice called from the study, deep and calm, but with an undercurrent of control that sent shivers down her spine. It wasn't a request. It never was.

She moved toward the sound like a marionette, her steps careful and deliberate. The clack of her heels against the polished floor echoed ominously in the cavernous house, as though the walls themselves were whispering her secrets. In those moments, she felt so small. So insignificant. Every inch of the mansion was designed to reflect Dante's power. The gleaming marble, the extravagant paintings, the priceless artifacts everything screamed wealth, control, dominance.

By the time she reached the door to the study, her pulse was thrumming in her ears. She paused, just for a moment, to steady herself. A pointless act, really. No amount of preparation could truly ready her for what lay inside.

She opened the door.

The study was dimly lit, as always. Dante sat behind his massive mahogany desk, the glow of a single desk lamp casting shadows across his sharp, chiseled features. His eyes—dark, cold, and calculating—fixed on her the moment she entered, sending a familiar chill crawling up her spine.

"You're late," he remarked, his voice soft but dangerous. He didn't look up from the papers spread out before him, his attention seemingly divided between his business and the woman standing at the door.

Adira bit the inside of her cheek, keeping her gaze trained on the floor as she stepped into the room. "I'm sorry," she whispered, though she wasn't sure what she was apologizing for this time. It could be anything. Everything.

Dante finally lifted his head, and for a moment, their eyes met. The intensity of his gaze was suffocating. There was something behind those eyes something dark, twisted. It was the thing that scared her most about him, the part of him she had learned to fear above all else. In public, he was charming, articulate, and sophisticated. But here, behind closed doors, he was something else entirely. Something cruel.

He leaned back in his chair, regarding her with an unreadable expression. "Come here."

Her body obeyed before her mind could protest. She moved toward him, her heart racing faster with each step, the tension between them thick enough to suffocate her.

Dante reached out as she neared him, his fingers brushing the fabric of her dress, tracing a line down her arm. His touch was gentle too gentle. It always started like this. Soft. Controlled. Deceptively tender. But Adira knew better than to be lulled into a false sense of security.

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