Chapter 11- Visenya

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The door to our chambers closed behind us with a heavy thud, leaving only Aemond and me in the flickering candlelight. The room had been prepared for the bedding ceremony, draped in rich silks and scattered with flowers meant to honor the union of two noble houses. It was almost romantic—if this had been a true marriage of love.

But it was not. I stood there, trying to collect myself, as Aemond released my hand and moved further into the room, his every step purposeful, his presence as heavy and sharp as his words had been all night.

My heart raced despite my attempts to steady it. I had expected the night to end here, but not like this. There had been no crowd of drunk nobles, no humiliating public stripping, no mockery in front of hundreds. For that, I was grateful, but what came next was a different matter entirely.

I was still untouched, and the knowledge weighed heavily on me. A part of me had always known this moment would come—when my virginity, my innocence, would be taken. That was the way of things, wasn't it? Royal women were married to secure alliances, and their bodies were part of that transaction. I'd heard the stories, whispered by ladies at court, of what awaited on wedding nights. Some spoke with disdain, others with indifference, but none had ever mentioned love or pleasure.

And now, it would be Aemond of all people—the one who had taunted me, provoked me, who likely still held that bitter resentment from our childhood—that would be the one to claim me. To taint me.

Aemond turned, his lone eye glittering with something that made the hairs on my arms stand on end. He regarded me like one of the dragons, circling, studying my reactions with a calm, calculated demeanor. Then, that familiar smirk crept onto his face.

"Well, wife," he drawled, "I suppose this is the part where we seal our union."

I clenched my jaw, refusing to let him see how his words affected me. I wouldn't break under his scrutiny. Not tonight. I met his gaze with a steady stare, lifting my chin just slightly. "If that is what you wish."

He raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by my response. "So eager to fulfill your duty?" he asked, stepping closer. His voice was a low murmur, mocking, taunting me. "Or perhaps you're worried what will be said if we don't consummate the marriage?"

His words cut deep, and I could feel my cheeks flush with both frustration and embarrassment. Of course, he would play this game. Of course, he would take any opportunity to try and make me squirm.

"I'm not concerned with what others say," I replied evenly, though my heart was beating so fast it felt like it might burst from my chest. "The union was sealed the moment we exchanged vows."

Aemond chuckled, his eye scanning me from head to toe. "Is that what you tell yourself to ease your nerves?" He stepped closer, his hand reaching out to lightly graze my cheek. "That this doesn't matter?"

I froze, unsure whether to step back or stand my ground. His touch was surprisingly gentle, but the sharpness of his words left no doubt about his intentions. He was testing me, seeing if he could rattle me, if he could crack the facade I had so carefully built over the years.

"I don't need to ease my nerves," I said, keeping my voice calm, even though my pulse was hammering in my throat. "I know what I agreed to. But don't expect me to tremble before you."

Aemond's smirk grew wider, and for a brief moment, I saw something flash in his eye—something darker, more dangerous. "Oh, I wouldn't dream of it," he whispered, his voice low and filled with amusement. "Though I wonder... how long you'll be able to keep up this pretense."

He leaned in closer, his breath warm against my skin, and for a moment, I felt the weight of the night pressing down on me, suffocating me. I hated that he had this power over me, that he could get under my skin so easily. I hated that my body betrayed me, reacting to his nearness despite the resentment I felt.

But then, just as I was bracing myself for what would come next, he pulled back, his smirk never wavering.

"Don't worry, Visenya," he said with a mocking tone, "I won't take what you aren't ready to give. Not tonight, at least."

I blinked, momentarily confused. "What?"

Aemond stepped away from me, his movements as fluid and graceful as ever. "We won't consummate the marriage tonight," he said, almost casually. "I have no desire to take you when you're not prepared."

I stared at him, unsure whether to feel relieved or insulted. This was a game, wasn't it? Another way for him to assert control, to make me feel small and insignificant. But at the same time, the knot in my stomach began to loosen, the tension in my shoulders easing just slightly.

"And why would you spare me?" I asked, my voice laced with suspicion. "What do you gain from delaying the inevitable?"

Aemond turned to face me again, his expression unreadable. "Who says I'm sparing you?" he said softly. "Perhaps I just enjoy seeing you squirm."

I opened my mouth to retort, but he cut me off, his voice taking on a sharper edge. "Or perhaps I want you to wonder, to anticipate, to feel the weight of what's to come. To understand that when I do take you, it will be on my terms, not yours."

I swallowed hard, unable to find a response. He was playing with me, as he always did. But for now, I would take the reprieve, no matter how temporary it was.

"Rest, Visenya," he said with a final, almost dismissive wave of his hand. "We'll have plenty of time to figure out what kind of marriage this will be."

Without another word, he turned his back to me and moved toward the window, staring out into the dark night. I stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do, before finally slipping out of my ceremonial gown and into the bed.

Aemond remained by the window, his back to me, and for the first time that night, I felt a strange sense of relief. But beneath it all, I knew this was only the beginning of a long and twisted game.

And I wasn't sure which of us would win.

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