Chapter 3 - Visenya

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The sea breeze drifted through the open windows of my chambers, carrying with it the familiar scent of salt and the distant cries of seabirds. The waves of the Narrow Sea crashing against the cliffs below were a constant rhythm, one I had grown accustomed to in my years on Dragonstone. It was the only place that had ever felt like home.

I stood before the ornate chest at the foot of my bed, folding a few gowns carefully—gowns I would take with me to King's Landing. The garments felt heavier than they ever had before, as though they were weighed down by more than just fine fabric. The decision had been made. My fate sealed, for now. I would leave Dragonstone and wed Aemond Targaryen. The very thought of it caused a knot to form in my stomach.

A knock sounded at the door, pulling me from my thoughts. I turned just as Jace and Luke entered, their faces somber, but it was Jace who was the first to speak, his voice thick with frustration.

"You really are going through with this, then?" Jace's eyes were dark, filled with a mixture of disbelief and anger. "You're truly going to marry him?"

I kept my expression neutral, smiling softly as I tucked a deep red gown into the chest. "Yes, Jace. I am."

Jace moved farther into the room, shaking his head. "Sister, this is madness. Aemond? The same Aemond who called us bastards, who—" His voice caught, and he struggled to find the words. "He hates us, Visenya! Luke took his eye and you lied taking the blame. And you mean to stand beside him as his wife?"

My heart clenched at the reminder of that night—the night everything changed. I hadn't forgotten the look of hatred in Aemond's eye or the blood that had soaked into the stones of Driftmark. But that was years ago. Much had changed since then, or so I hoped.

"You think I don't know that?" I said quietly, looking from Jace to Luke, whose silence weighed heavily on the room. "I know who Aemond is. I know what he's done. But this marriage isn't about me or Aemond." I closed the chest, placing my hands lightly on the lid. "This is about securing our future. Mother's future. All of ours."

Jace crossed his arms, his brow furrowed. "What good is a future if it's built on treachery? You're tying yourself to a man who would see us all destroyed, and for what? A better claim to the throne?"

"You think I care about the throne?" I snapped, my voice sharper than I intended. I softened when I saw the hurt flash in Jace's eyes. He had always looked out for me, always felt the weight of his own duty press down on his shoulders. "I don't care about sitting the Iron Throne. But we both know the realm doesn't care what we want. Aemond is a necessary piece in this game, whether we like it or not."

Luke, who had been quiet until now, stepped forward, his face pale and his eyes wide with concern. "But, Visenya... what if he hurts you?"

His words made me pause. Of course, he would be worried about that. He was still so young when Aemond scarred him, and the fear of it lingered in his mind. I crossed the room and crouched in front of him, taking his hands in mine. "He won't," I promised, giving him a gentle smile. "I won't let him."

"But he's dangerous," Luke insisted, his voice trembling slightly. "You shouldn't have to marry him just because of politics."

I squeezed his hands. "I know it seems that way. But this marriage gives us leverage. It ties Aemond to us. As long as I am his wife, he won't act against our family. I'll make sure of it."

I couldn't be certain of that, but I had to make Luke believe it. I wasn't going into this marriage blindly; I knew exactly the kind of man Aemond had become. Cold, calculating, and ruthless. But I wasn't a frightened child anymore, and I would not let him dominate my life. I would find a way to use this marriage for our own ends, just as Daemon and Mother had hoped.

Jace, however, wasn't convinced. "You're playing with fire, Visenya. You know how dangerous Aemond is. This isn't just some political move. You're putting yourself in harm's way."

I rose to my feet and faced him, meeting his gaze with all the determination I could muster. "You think I don't know the risks? I do, Jace. But this is the price we pay for power. Mother's claim to the throne has been questioned for years—our legitimacy questioned for years. Marrying Aemond will silence those whispers, or at the very least, make it harder for them to be used against us."

Jace looked away, his jaw clenched tight. "I don't like it."

I stepped closer, placing a hand on his arm. "I know," I said softly. "But I've made my choice."

He met my eyes, his expression conflicted. "What if you regret it?"

I thought about that for a moment, the weight of the decision I had made pressing down on me. "Then I'll live with that regret," I said quietly. "But I won't be ruled by it."

There was a long silence as my words hung in the air between us. Jace looked as though he wanted to argue, to say something more, but he bit back his words. Instead, he sighed and looked toward the window, his voice softer now. "I just don't want to lose you."

"You won't," I said firmly. "I will still be your sister, no matter who I marry."

Luke stepped closer, wrapping his arms around me. "Promise you'll be safe."

I smiled down at him, ruffling his hair like I used to when we were younger. "I promise," I said, though deep down, I wasn't sure how much of that promise I could keep. Still, I couldn't let them see my doubts. I needed them to believe I was in control.

Jace nodded reluctantly, and I knew he would respect my decision, even if he didn't agree with it. He had always been protective as if he were my older brother, but he also trusted me. He knew I wouldn't do this unless I believed it was the right thing.

I glanced back at the chest, my mind racing with what lay ahead. King's Landing. Aemond. The Greens. The marriage. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear: I wasn't walking into this blindly.

I would face Aemond head-on. And I would not break.

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