It's about damn time

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Zayn : *moans* *moans* *moans.
Mary, you're hurting me.
Mary : You wanted me to top you. Assume your actions.
Zayn : Is something wrong ?
Mary stopped kissing Zayn's body and biting it, wiping her mouth, and wore her clothes back.
She sat on the chair across from him.
Mary : Ink.
Zayn : What ?
Mary : She started to notice something.
Zayn : Something like what ?
Mary : WOAH. Jesus fucking christ Zayn. For the love of fucking God, what is it that you don't understand ?
She started to suspect that I'm cheating on her.
Zayn : Yeeh, why did you snap ? It's not my job to read your thoughts. But how, though ? How did she know ?
Mary leaned in : Us women, we feel. You men don't suspect anything until you see something, and even then, it's hard for you to believe what you're seeing. Us women, we know what's going on based on the way you take a breath. We are not the same.
Zayn : So what are you gonna do ?
Mary : Are you not feeling guilty ?
Zayn : I don't owe anyone anything. I'm not the one who's supposed to feel guilty. Do you feel guilty ? Because you should.
Mary raised her eyebrows, surprised at what she heard from Zayn.
Mary : I'm leaving.
Zayn : I didn't even finish yet.
Mary : I need to be alone for a while.
Zayn : Tomorrow we're gonna start filming. I won't be able to sleep, I'm so excited.
Mary : I never thought I'd be this scared to finally start my acting career.

Dylan : Bonjour, Ink. How are you ?
Ink : I'm fine, thank you. Is everything ready ?
Dylan : Yes.
Ink : Are all the actors here ?
Dylan : Well, Mary and Zayn are not here yet.
Ink : Why ? Are they together ?
Dylan : No. Mary is at Danny's.
Ink : When are they gonna come ?
Dylan : That's what she said.
Ink : What ?
Dylan : I said that I've been calling Danny, but he only answered once to tell me that Mary is sleeping at his house.
Ink : Call him again and put it on speaker.
Dylan : Of course.
*phone ringing*
Ink : Why is he not answering ?
Dylan : I don't know.
Ink : Send him a message. Tell him that he's gonna his ass fired if he doesn't answer the phone.
Dylan : Ma'am, he'll know that I will never give him up or let him down.
Ink : Well, you will if he doesn't answer.
Dylan : Do I have to ?
Ink nodded with an unfortunate look on her face.
Dylan sent the text message to Danny, hoping that Danny would answer as fast as he possibly could so he wouldn't have to fire him.
Zayn : Hey, hi.
Dylan : How are you ? Are you ready ?
Zayn : Yes. I've never been so ready for something.
Dylan : Great. Go there and wait for the makeup artist to do your makeup.
Zayn : Are we not gonna talk about what I should do or say ?
Dylan : Ink is gonna join you and explain to you everything you need to know. But right now, she's a little busy.
Zayn nodded and went looking for his vanity van, and a 6'2 brun, well-dressed man walked up to him.
He looked as if he was pressed.
Leo : Do you have a fag ?
Zayn looked pissed off but also confused.
Zayn : I'm sorry, what ?
Leo : A fag.
Zayn : Sir, that's so inappropriate and homophobic. Choose your language while talking to me.
Leo : What's inappropriate about what I just said ? I want to smoke a fag that's it.
Zayn : Why do you sound British ?
Leo : Maybe because I am British.
Do you have a cigarette or not, sir ?
Zayn realized that he made a mistake.
Zayn : Here, we don't say fag to refer to cigarettes, that's a homophobic slur that only the MLM community can say.
Leo : I can say it either way, then.
A flirty smile was drown on Zayn's face as he was immediately charmed by Leo's charismatic presence.
Zayn : I'm Zayn Rhodes, an actor here.
Leo : I'm Leo Jones. I'm a makeup artist.
Zayn : So you're gonna be the one doing my makeup ?
Leo : I'm gonna be doing the makeup for all the male actors here.
Zayn : OOHH.
Nice to meet you. By the way, I LOVE your British accent. It's
Leo : I get that a lot. When I hook up with a guy, they always ask me to whisper something in their ear with my thick accent and deep voice.
Zayn bites his lips, intrigued by Leo's presence.
Zayn : Ooh, I would love that too.
Leo looked at Zayn in a seductive manner and then left the room after hearing Ink calling his name.

Danny : I'm gonna get fired because of you. You gotta decide whether you wanna go or not.
Mary : I can't look Ink in the eyes anymore after what I've done.
Danny : Easy. Stop seeing Zayn.
Mary : I can't.
Danny : Why ? Bitch, why ? You can stop seeing him at any time.
Mary : He's addictive. I feel so comfortable around him. I feel so safe. His way of thinking is so pure and innocent that I feel like I can turn my back without having to think about him stabbing me. Because I trust him. He offered me the pure love that I didn't have when I was away from my.......mother.
Danny : So, break up with Ink.
Mary : I can't either. Ink balances me out. She's everything I'm not, and I would like to be. She is the moral compass I always lacked. She is the mother figure that I was deprived of the privilege of having.
Danny : You need to talk to your mom, Segment Freud. You still haven't healed from what she put you through as a child, and it's affecting you in your adult life in the worst ways possible.
Talk to her.
Mary : I can't, I'm so scared of confronting her. She's gonna end up gaslighting me. Emotionally abusing me.
But now, we need to go, or else Dylan is gonna fire you, and I'm also gonna lose the role.
Danny : So, what are you gonna do ?
Continue playing Ink and doing her dirty like that ?
Would you like that to happen to you ?
Mary : Let me think about it first. I need time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29 ⏰

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