Fitting in.

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Issei was seeing many of the younger Futas playing games, from their version of tackle football to trying to catch a bird that keeps on dodging them, and like any school, there was that jerk who bosses people around and who'd do it as well as Asikka, she and her friends, Orinaka and Daryku, see Issei as competition over the other kids, she then decides to charge at him, Kiri tried to warn Issei but it was too late.

Asikka: so, the bitchling has a Titless for a sibling, why can't HE fall into Gawrak's jaws, eh everybody?

her friends egged her on as Issei gets up, wondering who attacked him, seeing a tall teenage Futa and her lackeys.

Kiri: this witless bitch is named Asikka and those two are her dogs, Orinaka and Daryku. these three lord themselves over us younger Futas.

Asikka: that's right, Bitchling, i am your alpha, plus in order to live with us Titless, you must survive me!

Orinaka: you tell him, Alpha.

Daryku: yeah, show Titless who's boss!

Asikka: well, let--

before she could say another word, Issei tackled her to the ground, as all the youngsters began hooting and screeching like chimpanzees excited over colobus monkeys, gaining the attention of Shuukori, the trainer of Xarani's soldiers, impressed by Issei's fighting spirit as Asikka squeezes him in a bear hug, causing him to scream in pain.

Asikka: is that all Titless? gotta say, I'm disappointed, they say Juzo was a warrior but he's just bone dust.

hearing such words causes Issei to bite her left breast hard as she was forced to let him go while he lands on all fours, seeing Asikka holding her chest.

Asikka: (roars in pain) YOU FUCKER!!

she then beats her chest like a gorilla as she charges at Issei again, only for Shukkori to intervene with her staff, telling her to stand down.

Shuukori: a new warrior for Xarani's army, huh, what's your name and your family.

Issei: my name is Issei, son of Sharaki and Magira, brother of Kiri.

this intrigues her, she saw a determination in the boy that reminds her of stories about the Great Uniter, a warrior capable of uniting all tribes against powerful enemies that want Edenark for their evil purposes.

Shuukori: so, Issei, you fight my own students for what end?

Issei: bitch thinks she can get away with anything, I'm not letting shit slide!

she then laughs at his answer, she then tells him that he will be trained by her in the Proving Pits, where all Futas fight in order as way to prove their worth to the adults.

[Proving Pits]

Issei was tired, Shuukori was a very heavy hitter, all those warriors, young and old were trained by a master of combat, he drunk a lot of water from all the training he did, but he must prove that he was one of them, even getting his leg injured was nothing, he just won't give up.

Shuukori: how long will you last on one leg, Issei?

he then looks at her with a look that says even in death, he's a warrior, she then charges at Issei, who was on the defensive, only for her to spin around and do a neck chop to the nape.

she then looks at him, thinking that she has trained him fully well, then she takes to Sharaki and Magira as the couple put him in bed.

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