Chapter 27: Reunited

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"Really? That's the first thing you choose to ask? After a whole year?" Jayden's smile didn't waver, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. I let out a slow sigh, leaning casually against the edge of my desk, my gaze locked on him.

"Am I not allowed to?" I replied, raising an eyebrow. "Looks like you've been working a lot on your appearance. Got anyone you've been trying to impress?" I teased, watching as his grin widened, a chuckle slipping past his lips.

"I should be asking you," he shot back, pushing off the doorframe and letting it click shut behind him. "You showed up a few days ago, and already everyone's talking about you." His voice had a playful edge as he sauntered closer. "The hot, scary librarian guy," he added, rolling his eyes dramatically.

I couldn't help it-my smile deepened into a cocky grin. "They say that?"

"Don't get cocky," Jayden smirked, stopping just a few inches in front of me, the space between us charged. "So what's with the improvement? Got a girl you've been trying to impress?" His eyes searched mine, the question hanging in the air between us.

I held his gaze for a moment, the faintest smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

I knew Jayden well-he'd always been the nosy type, far more invested in my love life than anything else.

It used to slide right by me, but now, standing here, watching his expression while processing this interrogation, I realized something. He had to have been pestering Aaliyah too. If they were as close as I suspected, he'd definitely know we'd been seeing each other a lot and with that knowledge, the only Jayden thing to do was to tease her about it. The thought amused me.

I decided not to answer his question. Denying it would only spur him on, and agreeing? Well, that would open a whole different can of worms I wasn't ready for. So, I stayed silent, letting his question hang in the air, giving him the chance to come up with his own theories.

Jayden hadn't changed much. He'd always been good-looking, with that effortless style. The only noticeable difference now was his wardrobe-he was still on the same track, just... sharper, more polished, a bit more expensive. Yet, underneath it all, he was still the same.

"How've you been?" he finally asked, breaking the silence. His voice softened, the playful edge fading as I caught the hint of worry behind his nonchalant front.

"Terrible," I admitted, my smile slightly fading with the truth. There was no point in lying to him. Jayden had always been able to read me, and there was no way I could pretend the past year had been anything but a mess. It wasn't okay and I didn't plan on calling it that.

"Then why didn't you come back?" His expression shifted, a flicker of concern crossing his features as he stepped closer. "We were worried about you."

I didn't want to drop my smile completely. If I did, the mood would shift, and I'd be dragged into that familiar, unsteady pool of emotions I never quite know how to navigate. So, I held it there-kept the edge on-as I responded, "It wasn't an option." My voice stayed light, leaving no room for further discussion. I wasn't in the mood to go down that road.

Seeing Jayden again after so long was... nice, in a way. I'd realized I didn't hold a grudge against him. But something still bothered me.

'We'... We were worried?

Meaning Maren and Oliver too?

The thought stuck in my mind, souring the moment. As much as I was ready to repair things with Jayden, I couldn't fully forgive Maren and Oliver for the secret they kept from me. And yet, I couldn't even blame them entirely. They thought they were doing me a favor, protecting me. But that didn't make it any less sickening.

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