Chapter 8

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Hi people who are fans of this story! Sorry I havent been on here a lot writing, mostly dude to the fact that I am writing my other story Deadly Tranzit. Anyways I am back to writing my rainbow story (this story) :D Also any one else heard about that law for equal marriage....I HOpe IT Gets PasSed! lol Anyways back to Beto's side. (You guys are going to have to wait on the scott and mike part next chapter) SOOOO ENJOY! ALSO POTADO!



Okay I didn't know what Scott was trying to pull off during tutoring today. Right now, I am as confused as a potato. Potados don't even have a brain so that analogy was confusing as it was. Did Scott attempt to flirt with me?!? Or was that just an akward moment. It was so confusing for my little, gay brain of mine. I desided to go into the kitchen and get a cup of water. As I walked into the kitchen, I notice my abuela washing dishes.

"Hi abuela, where is ma and dad?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Oh mijo, they are still sleeping in their room, but I made some pancakes for you and your brother", my grandma as she passed me a cup for my milk.

"Thanks grandma", I said as I brought the cup and a plate of pancakes tho the table.

"You know mijo, that white boy that came over yesterday was really cute, but can't keep down ghost pepper sause. You guys would make a great couple." She said while she was drying off the dishes and putting them in the dish rack.

My eyes widened and I almost choked on the pancakes in my mouth. If I was drinking milk at the time, I would have done a spit take. How could she have known, out of all my family members, she was the only one that could tell that I like other guys. My mind was racing with thoughts, but I only stood still with my fork in my hand. What would happen if she told my parents. What if I am kicked out of the house.


"It okay mijo, I would tell your parents, but you have to tell them sometime because it would be akward when you bring that boyfriend home." She said.

I just nodded. My mind was still wanting an answer on how she knew. Out of nowhere, I asked that very question.

"Well thats eazy, It when I came over from Mexico to visit you guys. You were four and was in preschool. I asked your ma if I can take you to preschool and as I signed you in, you rushed off to your little friend. It was this little white boy with black hair I don't remember the name. Any who as I was walking out, I caught you guys playing then I remember you kissing the boy on the lips. I guess the teacher saw and ran over to you guys telling you that 'little kids do not kiss'. At that moment I knew you were different." My grandma narrated.

I tried to remember that day but I couldn't. After breakfest, I ran into my room and searched for a preschool yearbook. I doubt that I still had the book, but I wanted to look for it. Maybe if I saw the kids that were in that class, I might remember that day. Searching got me nowhere. Why look for a lost memory, it not like the kid I kissed back then is going to be gay now. Most likely he is straight and is dating some girl. The only person that I remember back then was Jane'y and that was it.  

"Hey, Beto wanta take me to the park?" Tao asked as he spawned into the doorway to my room. That startled me that I almost fell screamed.

"Uh sure. Want me to see if Jane'y little brother wants to come with?" I asked my brother. He gave me a smile and dashed out of my room. I guess that was a yes. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number.

_____________The Park____________

"WHATS UP HOME SKILLET BISCUT!", Jane'y yelled out as she was getting out of her car.

Man..... One of these day I am going to start driving....

"NO ONE SAYS THAT ANYMORE!"I yelled back smiling.

The other door opened and out came Jane'y little brother, De'shawn.

Tao and De'shawn were the same age which was ten. De'shawn was light skinned and had short black hair. He and my brother were friends since Jane'y and I were. De'shawn was a nice eazy going kid it seemed. Ugh, I can't wait till he learns to be just like his sister. Ha Ha, he and Tao would be the craziest kids in school then. Tao and De'shawn ran toward the park and jumped on the swings.

While the two kids where playins what seemed like tag, Jane'y and I walked between the park and the soccer field. We weren't to far from the kids, I am responsible you know. As we walked I told Jane'y that my grandma found out about me. She then gave my grandma an invisable high five since my grandma wasn't there to complete it. She then carried on the conversation about what happened yesterday night.

Appaerently, Her boo (Devonte) and herself went to a rave party and they partied like crazy. When they were driving home, they had the music so loud, it could have woken up the whole neighborhood as they drove by. Then as soon as she mentioned that they started to go down like bunnies, I tunned out. I knew she was lying about that part cause she is crazy but not horney. Also Devonte is a nice guy and such a gentleman toward Jane'y to do that to her. Well that and I said I would chop off his balls if he got Jane'y pregnet.  

All of a sudden, I got smacked by somthing hard and fell to the ground. As my eyes were closed I heard people above me talking.


"I am soo sorry, Is Beto okay?" I boy asked.

"HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW I CAN'T DO CPR!" She howlered back.

"We didn't mean too. The air kinda took it away as I kicked it", a different boy said.


Okay Beto time to get up,before theres another body laying beside you.

I got back up and cried out, "I am fine, no need to claw people Jane'y."

Then I realized who the two guys were: Mike and Scott.

Man I keep running into him eveywhere.......


Okay that was the end of that chapter. Sorry if its too short and boring. Man I can't wait till later on in the story. jane'y is so aggressive isn't she....gettofaboulas hahaha.....oh wells commen and vote......ALSO FAN!!!!! I LOVE ELECTRONIC AIR PROPELING MACHINES...hahaha LOL

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