Chapter 3

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Chapter  3__ Scott

Woa, was it just me or was Beto staring at me in english class. I hope I looked attractive enough for him...Wait what was I thinking! God this gay thoughts are messing with my mind!

I had enough to deal with last night. Of course Nick had to get more alcohol in his bloodstream becase he was getting the feeling of being sober. I seriously do not know how much his kidney can take. Maybe he doesn't drink as much as i am assuming he does. Maybe he just says that sorta junk just to make me feel bad as if it was all my fault for me being here with him. I clearly not my choice to be with him. After our parents died in the accident, he asked the court to allow him custody of me. He was twenty-five and I was just twelve. The court agreed not to seprate brother from brother. The first and second years of my stay in my brothers house were great. His job paid good and he did not drink except at parties.

When I was around 14, Nick was dating a girl named Misty. She was very fun and watched after me when Nick was at work. She loved playing videogames and took me to school. It was as it I had my old life back. Then I turned 15,  and it all went south. During my 15th birthday, Misty was out getting my cake when a group of thugs corned her in a ally. Nick was wondering what was taking her so long and soon received a phone call from the local hospital. We rushed in to see her, but as soon as we reached her room, the doctors called it.

My brother was no doubt depressed. Now he drinks for her. I am just guessing by how much he drinks. Which is an awful lot.

Or is that what Nick wants me to think.

I know he cares about me by the way he wants me to be more involve in school rather than sports. Its kind od hard to accomplish that when you have to worry if your brother is every gonna come back home from his night of drinking. For example, last night, I was just about to go to sleep then I hear thump thump at the door. I look out my bedroom and asked who is it, there was no reply. All of a sudden I hear a key being incerted into the key hole making the clinch clinch sound when you know its the right key. The door opens to reveal a shadowy figure. It starts to trudge on the floor then falls over and stops moving. I turn on the light to witness my drunk brother Nick.

Stupid jerk .......

I walk downstairs and picked him upand carried him back up the stairs. I was so out cold that he did not feel the hit from the wall when i was carring him. Once in his room, I flopped him on to his bed and grabbed his sunglasses form his shelf. I put them on his head knowing the huge hangover about to come tomorrow. I should have just left him there on the floor, but eh this is a usual sort of thing. He will be up tomorrow drinking again.

Anyways, back to me being in school. I just have one more class to take then I get to go home. Sadly its my worst class: math. I really do not get this stuff.

 After math class, Mr. Hoffmen the math teacher, calls me over to his desk.

Hey Scott, I want to let you know somthing.

Great, he is going to give me a lectrure. Yes? what is it Mr. Hoffmen.

Well your grades are lets just say it: shit.

What the fuck did he just say to me! Excuse me sir.

Scott you obviously need some tutoring. You need this class to graduate and I have other students to worry about.

Oh so I am not that good enough to help. Wow way to go teach. So who do you recommend tutor me?

Well I have one student who is currently succeeding passed all my standards in this math class. I can ask him to tutor you for free dealing with your current situation.

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