Chapter 2

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Okay chapter 2 is about Beto side of the story. Every chapter i am going to switch side between these two characters. so this is beto side so enjoy! XD


Chapter 2__Beto

I have always walked my dog by the soccer field and yet I never saw Scott there. I wished I could have stayed there longer, but I had to go home. The jog home quickly transformed into a haste run as Ocho caught his eye on a small, grey rabbit. After running for about a mile, He finally got tired and stopped to sniff the grass while I caught my breath. The rabbit ran toward a green hedge.  We had stop upon this on area far from the field where there was a group of trees with bright red berries. They did not look like cherries but berries for birds. The leaves were red tainted with a pinkish highlight to them. Out of nowhere, a furry, grey squirrel scurried down a trunk of one of the trees an caught ocho's attention. With amused eyes, Ocho chased after the squirrel, dragging me with him once more. 

By the time that squirrel to cover inside another tree, we were back at my house. My ma was outside gardening, picking peppers and tomatos. I ran inside too quick for her to even get a chance to see me. I unleached Ocho and went up to my room.

Ugh, I really need to clean up my room.

I grab my blanket and fix it nicely over my bed. I look on top of my bookshelf and next to myfirst place swimming trophy, pull down last year year book. I turn over to page 56 and view whats on the page. On the page is the soccer team group photo. On the right of that photo is a picture of Scott Levine kicking the ball into the net winning the game. I am not a stalker but I have a huge crush on Scott.

Ever since I met him in english class, I have had my eyes on him. His nice white skin, his nice stright black hair, and his beautiful blue eyes. I often got side track by daydreaming about me and him kissing.

"Wow", I mutter to my self rolling my eyes, "sound desprate much?" I close the book and toss it back up on the bookself. The door wooshes open and my ma comes in with her gardening gloves.

Woa! Just when I stopped being gay.

"Hola mi nino! (hi my son) I didn't here you come inside." my ma stated, "I thought I heard someone in your room". "Sorry ma, I will say hi to you next time", I chuckled. My ma gives me a look, walks into the kitchen, and began making dinner. I took my backpack off and place it on my desk. I take out my english homework, quickly read the short paragraph, and complete the questions. "Well that's done", I state with an acomplish look. I walk out of my room went toward my little brother's room. "Hi Tao, what are you doing?" I asked as I entered into the room. "Nada (nothing) just playing with my toys", Tao replies back while he places lego blocks together. Tao is a eight years old and has long, stright dark-black hair. "Oh thats cool," I replied as I paced the room. I shout came from down the stairs. "Dinner is ready ninos(boys)!" my ma shouted. I walk down the steps to see a plate with orange rice and tacos.


After eating dinner, I walk back to my room to see Ocho laying on my bed. I look around the area where he was and notice his black hair shavings on my blue blanket. "Ay Ocho! Your shedding on my bed". I shouted at him. Ocho appears to understand and jumps off the bed onto his pillow bed. "I bought you a dog bed for a reason". Ocho closes his eyes and falls asleep as if saying yea whatever dude.

Pulling off the blue blanket, I shook off all the hair shavings and replace it on the bed. I pull out my mp3 out of my backpack and listened to Three Days Grace. Laying my head on my pillow,with my headphone in my ears, I fell into darkness.

I woke up to my arms wrapping around my pillow, which was suposed to be under my head. I have woke in this position many times in the past week. One of my headphone was still stuck in my ear while the other one was under my back. I arose out of my bed and staggered toward the restroom.

Woa! My hair looks like one of those Dagonball-Z characters.

I walk out of the restroom after doing my business and looked at my calender. "Great, Its Tuesday." I mutter to myself. Next, I looked at my phone, and it appears that I have about 15 mins to get dress, eat, and zoom to the bus. "Such a great start for the morning", I scarcasticly muttered to myself.

I have a piece of toast in my mouth, an untied tie around my dark-blue collar shirt, and wet hair from the shower I took as I zoomed down the block toward the bus. "Yep, Just enough time". I tie the tie loosly around my collar. The sorta professional look goes with my random nature. I don't go to a private school. I go to a normal public school, but every three days I have a need to wear a tie. Even if the shirt is normal looking tee. Its a weird habit.

After getting off the bus, I met up my friend Jana'y. "Hey my fravorite rainbow boy!" she called out. I looked around nerviously. "Do you want the entire school to know!" I answer in a shushed tone. Jana'y stares into her neon-pink nails," Know what?" I scolded at her. "Come on Beto, who is going to listen to my ghetto ass self", she replied back confidently.

As we walked inside the school, a group of guys came our way. By the look of their black and purple uniforms, they were the schools football players. As they passed us, one of the guy said," hey look it the faggot and his yippy chihuahua". The group of guys begin to chuckle.

Was me being gay really that noticeable?

"Hey! If you keep talking Jacob, you will find these pink nails of mine lodged inside your dumbass skull!" Jana'y scolded. "Is that a threat girl!" Jacob asked in a harsh tone. "No! Its a promise!" she answered in an aggravated tone. The group laughed and walked away.

"I can't believe you said that!" I groan. "I defended you, okay", Jana'y said in a seductive tone. "Thanks", I said in defeat. "Your well to the cum", she said in a cheerful voice. "Dirty", I laughed.

As we walked to my locker, I couldn't shake the feeling about the group of guys.

How could they have seen through my stright disguise. If they knew then other people might know.

My hands were trembling from the thought. Jana'y eyes seemed to notice. "Look Beto, they were probably just having their stupid jock fun", Jana'y reassured, "besides it not like they called you a dog seen on the taco bell commericals." I giggle at the thought seeing Jana'y as a tiny dog serving tacos.

Once I go to my locker, Jana'y notice somthing else. "Oh look, Mr. In The Closet Hotty Comming This Way." she said seductively." Comming down the hall was Scott and his friend Mike were walking down the hall. "Jana'y can you please not get my hopes up. Even though your gaydar worked with me, it won't work on him. I sence nothing gay with him. I should know cause I am gay." I whisper to her. As the two boys walk passed I really wanted to see scott without his hoodie on.  "Look I know a homo when I see one." Jana'y said in a flirtive tone. "Whatever, I have to go to English and daydream about me and Mr. In The Closet Hotty."

Closes Locker.....


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