Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 woo! I am writing two stories ... the other story is a zombie story so please check it out if ya like zombie fun. Also don't forget to vote and like please it might motivate me to keep on writing ....anyways on with chapter 4.


Waking up in the morning wearing my purple basketball shorts and a black shirt, I stumble down stairs mopeing on what I had to do today.I was about to play some videogames, instead I have to plan on  tutoring some kid on math. Playing videogames, thats how I mainly spend my weekends; playing some Nazi Zombies on the X box and drinking some chocolate milk for breakfest. Not much of a breakfest my ma says, but heck at least it helps me fit into my skinny jeans. My friends call me a hipster just because I wear them, but I rarely ever do wear them. The only thing my friends should be calling me out on is my obsession on tie wearing. I have many of them, each one I wear everyday. Its almost as if they give me a special personality. The main reason why I was upset was that this gave me little as heck time to plan a way to tutor this kid. Heck I don't even know the kid was.

Actually I did not know that I had this kid to tutor till yesterday. This is how it happened yesterday with me and my teacher.

"Hi Mr. Hoffmen, did you need somthing?" I asked in confusion

Yes, how would you feel on tutoring another student of mine this weekend. I know the sistuation seems "out of know where", but this will be a great favor you can do for me. I can't get the infomation through to him. So I had an idea that a student his age can get through to him.

You have to be kidding me I don't want to teach some dumb kid on my weekend....ARG!

Sure I guess I groaned.

Now today, I have to teach this unkown kid on algerbra 2 material. After I was done drinking my cholocate flavored breakfest, I started to sit at the table and create some practice problems on a sheet of paper. Not way to difficult ones just ones to help this person understand. There was a knock on the door, startled by the knock I fell out of my chair.

"Tao can you please check who at the door," I said as I grabbed the table pulling myself back up.

My little brother, Tao, came running out of his bed room with his little dino PJ's and hopped onto the couch to view the window to get a better view of the person.

"It's some white boy with a black hoodie and a red back pack!" Tao replied back.

I got up and made my way to the door. I didn't bother changing my clothes because this kid was wasting my weekend. I was tempted to wear a purple or white tie with my black shirt but it wasn't a school day so why bother. Opening the door, reviled a person I did not expect.

"Hey Beto", Scott said sheepllishy as he say me, "sorry for ruining your weekend but I need help with math."

Holy #%@$, what is my crush doing here, oh my freaking god!

Scott stood there wearing a black hoddie, some blue jeans,and a red backpack behind him.I did not reply back. Instead I shuted that door as fast as I could and ran up to my room. I quickly dug into my closet trying to find the purple or white tie. Ocho, my dog, comes into my room. I soon found the ties I was franticly searching for.

"Okay Ocho choose, White tie? or Purple tie?

Ocho nods to the left and lifted his paw up and down to the purple tie. It was ether that or he was trying to tell me he wanted breakfest. I quickly put on the tie around my neck and ran down the stairs and reopened the door. I was hopeing he did not leave after I rudely slamed the door, but I had to think fast. He was still standing on my steps curiously looking at me.

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