Chapter 1

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Okay this is my first gay story so read and enjoy !


Chapter 1__Scott

"Why did I even try coming to this place," I said softly as I jumped off my bike.

I should have went to football practice instead, I thought.

I parked my bike on a rusty, black street pole. I pulled out a median size metal chain from my bag pack, and wrapped it in and out of the tire spokes and around the pole just to meet up with a silver lock to seal the links together. I start to walk on the cracked plant filled sidewalk. Out of nowhere, a red car speed past. Crap! I thought as I looked around to see if anyone else was nearby.

If anyone sees me going to this place, my reputation would be ruined!

I reach into my pocket on the side of my blue jeans and pull out a folded sheet of newspaper. The ripped piece of newspaper had the address of a gay support group.

I am not gay, I tell myself, I am not like these fags.

Then why did i keep having daydreams of kissing other dudes? Maybe its a phase. Everyone goes through them right? Girls kiss girls all the time, but they are probably drunk or did it for money. So many questions ran through my head.

I came up to a red-bricked building with two large windows in the front. The large windows had a tinted shade to them. I tried to peak in through the shaded window, but saw nothing. One of the windows had a sticker with a rainbow pyramid. I reopened the newspaper to check the address. "Yea this is the place," I stated. I checked around one last time, just to make sure no one saw me. Again, no one was in sight. I took a deep breath as I opened the door. There was a large desk in the middle of the room. No one seemed to be anywhere. I walk across the room to the brown desk. There was a shiny, silver bell on top of the desk. On instinct, I tap the bell and step back waiting for somthing or someone to answer. A man's voice came out of the room,"I will be with you in a minute". A white man with short black hair walked out of the room. He wore a blue-collar shirt and some tan shorts. He looked as if he was in his early thirties. "Can I help you young man," the older man asked.

Trying to find words I simply asked, "Is this the homo club?"

Wow, that sounded stupid........

"Yes", the man said with a puzzled look,"and how do you identify yourself". "Huh?" I answered.

Identify?.......So there are different classes of gays?

"I mean what characterize yourself: gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or questioning", the man restated. "Oh", I realized,"I don't really know. I guess questioning". "I see", the man replied back with a little curiousness in his voice, "well the meetings are on Saturdays at 2 in the afternoon". "Alright then", I answered in a relived voice. I turn around and rush out the door, never looking back. I know running out of the building was not necessary but I just had to get out of there. Once outside, I can feel the fresh wind on my face. I am no longer anxious, just relived that the meeting was not on a school day. I quickly jog back to the rusty, black pole, unlatch the silver lock, put the chain back into my bag pack, and leap on my bike and ride away.

I look at my phone while one hand is on the handlebar.

Its 4:26, I might be able to go to soccer practice if I peddle fast enough.

I switch gears and my bike zooms past groups of people walking the opposite direction. Practice is at the field by th church my parents used to take me when I was younger. The wooden frames on the ceiling made it have an ancient look to it. There were chandlers everywhere. It had that warm feeling whenever I went inside. I do not returnthere anymore because God must seem to hate me. Why should I go to someone who hates me? After I pass the church, I meet my friend by the soccer field.

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