Our future

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on the drive home Marjorie falls asleep she looks so peaceful when we get home I take her bag in then go back to the car to carry her in I carefully place her on the sofa give her a kiss I go to leave her to rest but I feel an arm and a little voice saying Reece don't leave me come here, so I sit on the sofa Marjorie snuggles into my chest

I slowly start to wake up and notice Reece is scrolling on his phone and playing with my hair I look at his phone and see he's looking at houses darling why are you looking at houses I ask him he gets startled as he thought I was asleep. He explains what he was doing well I thought if we're having a baby we should move into a more baby friendly house and a bigger house I mean you never know one day there might be more than just one and it's easier to move now then when there's a bunch of baby stuff around as well sorry i should of asked you first. No it's fine I love you you're so thoughtful.

I found some 4-5 bedroom places just incase we need more rooms one day and look this place even has a pool and a huge garden we could put a swing set up and slides and sand pits REECE I hear Marjorie shout yes I say sheepishly, darling how much have you thought about our future I've thought about it loads we will have 3 kids a huge house and will have everything I never had growing up all the love an attention and they will already have an amazing mum as I say that I wrap my arms around her my hand landing in her stomach. But that's not all I've thought about I have more plans but they are all a surprise for you

I love when Reece opens up to me and gets lost in his thoughts he's so cute when he does this he's thought so much about our future in such little time I have really hit the jackpot with him I never want him to leave I really do love him. It's getting late and Reece tells me to go get dressed for our date something comfy he then leaves to go buy snacks

I go to the shops to get all of Marjorie's favourite snacks chocolate crisps sweets and some savoury things like sausage rolls cheese and crackers I then go to pay but think of a cute idea I go back to the crisp isle and get Doritos and to the drink isle to get 7UP then I go pay and sit in the car for a minute I start to freak out but quickly pull myself together before driving home I go check on Marjorie she is wearing some leggings and my favourite jumper and some trainers sitting on the sofa waiting for me I quickly give her a kiss and go pack the food up in a wooden picnic blanket get a 2 blankets and some other things ok gorgeous you ready to go.

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