The date

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Reece drives for what seems like forever until he parks up in this car park in the middle of no where it's pitch black I'm a bit scared but I trust Reece with my life so I know I'm safe. Reece where are we I ask.  He just replies with somewhere that's special to me so I want it to be special to you to. I was very confused and he didn't even answer my question. We got out the car Reece picked up the food and blankets and another bag I don't know what's in there. It's just a short walk up this hill gorgeous he says. I look at the hill and stare at him Reece I couldn't have climbed that before I was pregnant what makes you think I can climb it now I am. Reece just stares at me well then I guess I'll just have to carry you, as he says that he picks me up bridal style and starts the walk up the hill.

we make it to the top of the hill I carefully place Marjorie down then set out the picnic I put the 7UP and Doritos together on the side and the rest of the food set up nicely I then go and set up the telescope I see a confused look on Marjorie's face as she watches what I do she doesn't say anything so I bring her over to the telescope and I start showing her constellations and some other interesting things I keep talking about what everything is and how it all works and she just nods along I'm sure she doesn't actually know what I'm talking about but the fact she's pretending like she does is still sweet.

Reece is talking about all the stars and constellations I have no idea what he means but I pretend that I do I never thought this man could become and more sexy but yet here I am being more attracted to him then ever as he continues talking and pointing at the sky I hug him you ok gorgeous he asks. Yeah I just never thought he you could get any sexier. Really you don't think this is geeky and nerdy he asks slightly embarrassed. Reece this is one of sexiest hottest things you've ever shown me.

I don't know why but Marjorie finds this stuff sexy she is really is perfect I love her so much
We go and start eating the snacks I bought Marjorie sat in my lap so I could keep her warm he eat and talk for what seams like minutes but it must of been at least 5 hours because the sun had started to rise Marjorie realise the sun is rising and goes to take pictures I take this as my one chance Marjorie I have something to ask you I say as she turns round her jaw drops Marjorie Van-Gould ever since I met you I've been I love with you whenever I'm without you I feel lost you are my world my everything and I never want to loose you so will you make me the happiest man in the world and become mrs Marjorie knight.

OMG REECE YES YES YES A MILLION TIMES YES I LOVE YOU as I say that hug him so tightly he can barely breath he puts the ring in my finger it's huge it must of cost him so much Reece are you sure you want me to have this. Of course I want you to have it why wouldn't I he says sounding concerned well it looks expensive I tell him. He reassures me by saying it was expensive but that doesn't matter you are worth every penny and more if I lost everything today I would know it was ok because I would still have you you are all I care about Marjorie I love you.

Marjorie starts crying and then starts yawning she looks so cute but I think it's time to go home now she needs a proper sleep so I pack up the picnic and telescope then I go to pick up Marjorie but she insists on walking back down so I just hold her hand and we walk back down to the car when we get to the car I pack everything in it we start driving home as we get closer to home I ask Marjorie if she wants to stop for breakfast but get not response so I look over and realise she is asleep she looks so cute I decided to stop and get breakfast I get 2 bacon sandwiches when I return to the car Marjorie is awake so I give her the sandwich she eats it and falls back asleep when we arrive home I pick her up and take her upstairs to bed give her a kiss on the head and say I love you mrs knight

I think this is the longest one I've done
I'll probably be posting 1 a day but no promises bc of school
Also the first part was set on Friday and this is Saturday tomorrow will be Sunday then we might have a little time jump I'm not sure

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