Marjorie and autumn

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"What" Marjorie said almost at tears a mix of shock,hormones and disbelief "no he didn't do anything he wouldn't he couldn't" Marjorie got out between sobs. Reece just looked at her and said "it will be ok gorgeous I promise everything will be fine" the police took him away in handcuffs. Marjorie shut the door and Sunk down she couldn't think she could barely breathe what just happened she got her phone and phoned autumn after a few rings she answers "autumn I need help Reece he.. he's gone I need help" "what Marjorie what do you mean he's gone I'm coming over now" autumn says and Marjorie hangs up.

Autumn arrives at Marjoreece's house and knocks but when she got no answer she picks the lock and she sees her best friend broken on the floor crying it breaks her a little bit "Marjorie what happened where's Reece please talk to me" autumn said now with fear and worry In her voice "he got arrested autumn he's gone" "WHAT, WHY" Autumn screams Marjorie told her about how they took him away for fraud and embezzlement and how she didn't know what to do.

"Autumn he is my everything I can't go on without him what if he goes to jail our baby we have the gender scan in less than 2 weeks what if he doesn't get out" at this point Marjorie was sobbing again "Marjorie calm down Reece will be out quickly we both know he's not done anything we just have to figure out what Roger has done" autumn goes over to the now pacing Marjorie stops her and hugs her "what are you doing you don't hug people" "Marjorie you need this and I don't like seeing you hurt" they just stand there for a while and Marjorie relaxes into autumn. They order pizza for dinner as none of them want to cook.

A couple more hours passed and autumn wanted to stay but Marjorie insisted she went home so autumn left and Marjorie went to bed but she couldn't sleep. She couldn't sleep without Reece. After a couple more hours she finally fell into a restless sleep.

At autumns house no one was asleep winter was reading and autumn was trying to figure out what her dad did how he did it and why he did it "my love I'm going to go to bed now I wish you luck with finding out what Roger did" winter went to bed and although autumn was tired she wasn't going to sleep until she figured this out she couldn't go back to Marjorie tomorrow without some answers it would break her best friend even more and she couldn't see her like that again.
Her phone rang it was an unknown number she answered it and the voice on the other end she felt so relieved to hear "lil sis" "omg Reece are you ok why are you phoning me why not Marjorie" autumn said with a rising panic in her voice
"I couldn't call her I didn't know what state she would be in but I knew that you would be in a better state to talk to right now so listen I thought Roger would do something when he found out that me and Marjorie were engaged and having a baby so I prepared something it's on a USB stick in my top draw please look after Marjorie"
"Wait Reece I lov.. never mind"
"You too lil sis"
Autumn now knew what she had to do but it had to wait till tomorrow so she went to bed.

Sorry this chapter isn't that good I started off good but then lost it and just wanted to get another part out

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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