Chapter 3

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The trees loomed taller and denser as Elena moved deeper into the forest, her breath still coming in quick gasps from her hurried escape. The world felt different beyond the barrier, the air thicker, humming with energy she wasn't used to. Normally, she never ventured this far. She had always been cautious, crossing the barrier only to gather a few rare herbs and then retreating back to the safety of the village. But today, something was different. Something seemed to be calling to her, pulling her further into the heart of the forest.

As she walked, the anger and confusion that had clouded her mind began to fade, replaced by a sense of wonder. The woods here were nothing like the familiar edges she had known all her life. The trees stood taller, their bark twisted in intricate patterns that seemed almost deliberate, like runes carved by an unseen hand. The leaves above her shimmered in shades of green and gold that seemed to shift with the light, and the ground beneath her feet was soft, carpeted with a rich moss that glowed faintly in the shadows.

She should have been afraid—this part of the forest was wild, untamed, and filled with magic that had long been forbidden to humans. But instead, Elena felt something else, a deep sense of awe, as though she had stepped into a forgotten realm of beauty and power.

With each step she took, more of the forest revealed itself. Strange plants, unlike anything she had seen near the village, grew in abundance here. Their colors were vibrant, their shapes twisting and spiraling in ways that defied explanation. She paused beside a cluster of glowing blue flowers, their petals soft and delicate, emitting a faint light that illuminated the underbrush. She knelt, her fingers brushing over the petals as she marveled at their beauty.

"What are you?" she whispered, feeling the magic thrumming through the plant. She had never seen anything like it. Could these plants hold properties that the ones in the village didn't? Could they heal wounds, cure illnesses that no other herbs could?

The deeper she wandered, the more wonders she found. Golden ferns that shimmered in the breeze, violet mushrooms that emitted a faint, melodic hum when she passed, and trees with bark that gleamed like silver. Elena's mind raced with the possibilities. What powers did these plants hold? What could she create with them if she were to take them back to the village? She imagined the remedies she could make, the lives she could save. The forest was alive with magic, and she felt like she was on the edge of discovering something that could change everything.

But as she moved through the enchanting landscape, something in the back of her mind warned her that she was wandering too far, that she was stepping into a world she didn't fully understand. The magic here was ancient, powerful, and unpredictable. She had to be careful.

Still, the pull of the forest was too strong to ignore. She continued on, her amber eyes wide with wonder, taking in every detail, her thoughts racing with curiosity. This place was a treasure trove, filled with plants that could revolutionize her work as an herbalist. She had always believed in the power of nature to heal, but here, in this wild, magical forest, that power felt limitless.

Just as Elena was reaching for another strange plant—a small golden vine that seemed to pulse with energy—she heard it. A thud, heavy and sudden, followed by a low groan. It echoed through the trees, sharp and startling in the otherwise quiet forest.

She froze, her hand still hovering over the vine as her heart leapt into her throat. Slowly, she straightened, her senses on high alert. The sound had come from somewhere nearby, and it was unmistakably human.

"Who's there?" Elena called out softly, but there was no reply.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she carefully moved toward the sound, her feet barely making a sound on the moss-covered ground. As she rounded a large tree, she saw him.

A man lay sprawled at the base of the tree, his body half-hidden in the underbrush. His clothes were torn, and his dark hair was matted with dirt and blood. He was covered in bruises, and a deep gash ran across his lower abdomen, soaking his shirt with blood. His leg was twisted at an unnatural angle, and his chest rose and fell in shallow, labored breaths.

Elena's heart clenched at the sight. He was badly hurt and if she didn't help him, there was no telling what would happen.

Without thinking, she rushed to his side, her training as a healer kicking in. She knelt beside him, gently turning him onto his back to assess his injuries. He groaned softly, his eyes fluttering open for a brief moment before falling shut again.

"Hey," she said, her voice gentle but firm. "Can you hear me?"

The man didn't respond, his breathing ragged and uneven.

Elena's hands moved quickly as she tore strips of cloth from her apron to create makeshift bandages. She pressed them against the wound in his lower abdomen, trying to staunch the bleeding. The gash was deep, and his blood soaked through the cloth almost immediately. Her mind raced, trying to think of what herbs she had with her that could help.

Her gaze flicked around the forest, her heart pounding as she realized that none of her usual remedies would be enough. The herbs she had gathered near the village wouldn't be able to stop the bleeding—not from a wound this severe. But these plants—these magical plants—might.

She glanced back at the glowing blue flowers she had passed earlier. She had no idea what their properties were, but something about them called to her, as if the forest itself was offering her a solution.

With trembling hands, Elena tore a handfull of petals from the blue flowers, crumpling them between her fingers before pressing them into the wound. Almost immediately, she felt a faint pulse of energy beneath her fingertips, and the bleeding began to slow.

The man groaned again, his body shuddering as the magic worked its way through him, and Elena felt a surge of hope. The flower was doing something—healing him, slowing the flow of blood. It wasn't enough to save him, but it was buying her time.

She looked down at his face, his features sharp and strong beneath the grime. His hair, dark and tangled, stuck to his forehead, and his jaw was clenched in pain. There was something about him, something that felt... different. He didn't look like anyone from the village. Who was he? What was he doing here, so deep in the woods?

Her mind spun with questions, but she pushed them aside. Right now, the most important thing was keeping him alive.

Elena worked quickly, using every bit of her knowledge and instincts as a healer. She wrapped his wounds as best as she could, using the magical flowers to slow the bleeding, and crafted a makeshift splint for his broken leg. The man's breathing remained shallow, but steadier now, as if the forest's magic had given him a fighting chance.

When she had done everything she could, she sat back on her heels, her heart still racing. The forest was quiet again, the only sound the faint rustle of leaves in the breeze.

Elena's amber eyes drifted back to the man'sface, a frown tugging at her lips. Who was this stranger, and what had broughthim so deep into the woods? More importantly, how was she going to get him backto her cottage ?

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