Chapter 7

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Winter was nearing its end, but the mornings in Alderwood still carried a chill, the crisp air swirling through the trees as Elena rose from her bed just before dawn. The world was quiet, the snow having melted away to reveal the damp earth beneath. Though the cold lingered, there was an unmistakable stir of life returning to the village. Soon, spring would arrive, but for now, Alderwood was caught in the final stretch of winter.

Elena dressed quickly, pulling on her worn linen shirt and trousers, her fingers moving deftly as she braided her dark hair back to keep it out of her way. She slipped on her boots, wrapping a wool shawl around her shoulders before stepping outside into the cool morning air.

The small river behind her cottage, always her first stop, flowed gently, the water so clear she could see the pebbles beneath. She knelt by the bank, splashing the cool water onto her face, letting it wake her fully. The sensation of the fresh air on her skin and the sound of the water calmed her as it did every morning.

After gathering a bucket of water from the river, Elena returned to her cottage and set the water to boil on the hearth. The fire crackled softly, and as she worked, she moved through her morning routine with practiced efficiency. She brewed a pot of tea and prepared a light meal—porridge made with oats, wild honey, and dried fruits she had gathered in the fall. The smell of the warm breakfast filled the cottage as the sun began to rise.

Her thoughts turned, as they always did, to Kaelen.

Since the day she found him injured and bleeding in the forest, Kaelen had become a fixture in her life. His presence in the small cottage was constant, even though his condition kept him confined to bed. Each morning, Elena tended to him first, checking his wounds, preparing his food, and watching for any signs of improvement. Though he had grown stronger in the weeks since his fall, the healing process was slow, and there were still moments when the frustration of his helplessness flickered across his face.

Once the tea had steeped and breakfast was ready, Elena gathered her tray and made her way to the small room where Kaelen rested. The door creaked slightly as she entered, and she found him awake, his silver eyes already on her, watching her with a quiet intensity.

"Elena," he greeted, his voice still low and rough from sleep.

"Good morning," she replied with a small smile as she set the tray down beside him. She met his gaze briefly before she busied herself with checking the bandages on his abdomen.

She knelt by the side of the bed and gently peeled back the linen wrappings. The deep gash on his abdomen was healing well, thanks to the salve she had applied daily—a blend of honey, beeswax, lavender, and calendula. The skin around the stitches was no longer as red, and the swelling had gone down. Still, he was not yet ready to move on his own.

"How are you feeling today?" she asked softly as she dipped her fingers into the jar of salve and spread it over the wound with careful, deliberate strokes.

Kaelen winced slightly at the pressure but didn't look away from her. "Better," he replied, his voice quiet. His gaze lingered on her face as she worked, and Elena felt the weight of his eyes on her, as if he were searching for something unsaid.

The room was silent except for the crackle of the hearth in the next room, and Elena was keenly aware of the closeness between them, the way Kaelen's breath hitched as her fingers brushed his skin. His strength was returning, and with it, a tension that hadn't been there before. Elena felt it every time she tended to him—an awareness of his presence that grew stronger with each passing day.

When she finished applying the salve, she wrapped his wound in fresh linen, tying it securely before sitting beside him with the tray of food. She lifted a spoonful of the warm porridge, bringing it to his lips. Kaelen accepted it without protest, though Elena could sense the quiet frustration in his movements—the frustration of a man used to being strong, now made vulnerable by injury.

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