The Warning

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Hyunjin had always been a fixture in your life-your brother's best friend, constantly around your house, teasing you in that uniquely infuriating way only he could manage. He had a habit of ruffling your hair or throwing a sarcastic jab your way, but despite the teasing, you got along well.

Yet, lately, there was something different about him. You couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed-the way he would slip into the house unnoticed, his movements oddly fluid, quicker than they should be. And those eyes of his... they seemed to glint in the dim light with something almost predatory.

One evening, as you stood in the kitchen making tea, the quiet of the house was suddenly shattered by Hyunjin's appearance by your side. You gasped, almost dropping your cup, your heart racing from the suddenness of it.

"Hyunjin!" you sighed, rolling your eyes, trying to mask the unease. "Could you stop being so weird?"

He chuckled softly, a sound that sent a shiver down your spine. His eyes caught the light as he reached for an apple on the counter, taking a slow bite while maintaining eye contact. "Weird?" he repeated, his voice a smooth. A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. "You have no idea."

You exhaled in exasperation, trying to shake off the tension. "I almost dropped my cup," you grumbled, turning back to your tea. "You move like a ghost."

Hyunjin's smirk only widened, a flash of sharp teeth catching the light-were those... fangs? "Maybe I am a ghost," he murmured, as he stepped closer. His presence was unnervingly magnetic, making it hard for you to focus on anything else. "Would you be scared if I was?"

You forced a laugh, trying to keep things light. "Eat your apple, Hyunjin," you said, though your voice wavered slightly.

But instead of backing off, he leaned in further, his breath cool against your skin. His hand slid around your wrist, halting your movements as you tried to pour the hot water into your cup. His touch was cold, unnaturally so.

You turned your head, meeting his intense gaze, your heart pounding in your chest. "Hyunjin, what are you doing?!"

He hushed you softly, placing a finger gently against your lips. His eyes were dark, filled with an intensity that made it impossible to look away. Slowly, deliberately, he tilted your hand, letting the hot water spill from the kettle-not into the cup, but onto the counter. Instead of simply pooling, the water sizzled and smoked as it hit the surface with a low hiss.

Your eyes widened in alarm. "What the-what was that?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper as you looked from the steaming water to Hyunjin.

His grin grew wider, the sharpness of his teeth unmistakable now. He released your wrist, though his gaze remained locked on yours, as if daring you to question him further. "Just a little demonstration," he said, almost casually, before taking another bite of his apple, as though nothing out of the ordinary had just happened.

You stood frozen, your mind racing to make sense of what you'd just seen-of what you'd just felt. But before you could ask anything more, the sound of the front door unlocking broke the spell. Your brother, Tae, had arrived home.

Hyunjin's demeanor shifted instantly. He stepped back, an easy, charming smile slipping onto his face.

"Hey, Tae," Hyunjin greeted him, his voice now casual.

"Hey, Hyunjin," Tae replied, dropping his bag by the door before stepping into the kitchen. He shot you a warm smile, then glanced at the mess on the counter, his eyebrows raising in question. "What happened here?"

You blinked, your mind still swirling from Hyunjin's cryptic display. "Oh, uh... I spilled some water," you stammered, forcing a laugh as you glanced nervously at Hyunjin. He was already leaning against the counter, his arms crossed and a playful expression on his face.

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