The Awakening

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It was your brother.

Tae lay crumpled on the ground, his body motionless, and Hyunjin crouched over him, his face contorted with anger. Standing across from them was a woman with ghostly pale skin, her red eyes glowing in the moonlight. Her lips curled back to reveal sharp, gleaming fangs.

You froze at the sight, a scream clawing its way out of your throat. But as the scream escaped, you immediately clapped your hands over your mouth. Without thinking, you found yourself sprinting toward them, your feet pounding against the pavement, though your mind still struggled to comprehend the nightmare unfolding before you.

The vampire woman's gaze snapped to you, her eyes narrowing with malicious delight. "Another one?" she hissed. Hyunjin's eyes darkened, his body coiled with tension. "Stay away from her," he snarled, his voice deep, you'd never heard from him before.

You halted in place, your body trembling uncontrollably. Everything was unraveling so fast— your mind spun in a whirlwind of confusion and fear, unable to grasp the reality of what was happening. But nothing made sense anymore—not Hyunjin's hidden identity as a vampire, not the woman standing before you, and certainly not your brother lying crumpled and unresponsive.

"Tae!" you cried, your voice breaking as tears streamed uncontrollably down your face. You ran toward him, desperate to reach him, but Hyunjin's furious gaze shot to you.

"Stay back, Y/N" His voice cut sharp.

The vampire woman laughed, a cold, menacing sound. "Hyunjin, so protective..." she mocked, her voice dripping with cruel amusement. "But tell me, Jinnie, can you really protect them all?"

With a sudden burst of speed, she lunged at you, her pale fingers stretched reaching for your throat. The world seemed to slow, your breath caught in your lungs as you couldn't move, couldn't think. Fear paralyzed you.

Her hand wrapped around your throat, cold and unyielding. Tears dripped from your eyes, landing on her hand as you struggled to breathe, the edges of your vision darkening.

"Y/N!" Hyunjin's voice echoed in the night, shaking you from your daze. He moved faster than you thought possible, a blur of motion, slamming into the woman with such force that she was thrown backward. The impact sent you sprawling onto the ground, gasping for air.

Hyunjin fought with a fury you had never seen before, his movements swift and brutal. He sank his fangs into the woman's neck, tearing through flesh as blood spurted and her screams pierced the air. You could barely comprehend what you were seeing—Hyunjin was a blur of pure violence.

Your gaze, still blurred with tears, darted back to Tae. His still body lay on the cold ground, pale and unmoving. Panic surged through you again, and you scrambled toward him, your hands shaking as you reached out to touch his face.

"Tae..." you whispered, your voice trembling as you cradled his head in your lap. He was still alive—his breathing was shallow, but at least he was breathing. You turned your tear-streaked face up toward Hyunjin, who was now standing over you, his face covered in blood. The sight of him, with his fangs bared and eyes glowing with something dark and primal, sent a shiver down your spine, but you pushed the fear away. This was Hyunjin—Jinnie, your brother's best friend.

"Hyunjin... please, Tae's still alive. What do we do?" you begged, tears still streaming down your face.

Hyunjin's eyes met yours, and he quickly moved to your side, checking Tae's pulse. "We need to get him inside," he said, urgency lacing his voice. "I can heal him, but we have to act fast."

Without another word, Hyunjin scooped Tae up effortlessly and carried him back to the house upstairs to his room. Kaya was standing in the doorway, her face pale and horrified as she took in the blood-soaked scene outside. She didn't say a word as you rushed past her.

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