The Line Between Us

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Waking up with a dull headache, you sat at the edge of the bed, pressing a hand to your forehead. A hazy confusion clouded your thoughts as you looked around, trying to remember how you ended up in your bed.

After freshening up, you made your way downstairs, only to find Hyunjin already awake. He was leaning casually against the wall between the living room and kitchen, a cup of coffee in hand. His expression was hard to read as he glanced up at you. "Morning," he greeted, his voice casual yet holding an undertone that made you pause. Tae, oblivious, was engrossed in his console game, the sound of the TV filling the room.

"Morning," you mumbled back, heading toward the kettle. The confusion from earlier still lingered, and you frowned as you tried to piece together the events of last night. "How did I get to bed yesterday?" you asked, rubbing your temples as the hangover hit harder.

Hyunjin's eyes flickered with something you couldn't quite place before he answered, "I carried you to bed. You fell asleep on the kitchen counter." His words were steady, but the way he said them made your heart skip a beat. Tae let out a small chuckle, still focused on his game. "You were out of it, Y/N. Totally drunk."

Your eyes widened slightly as the realization sank in. Hyunjin had carried you. "Nooo..." You shook your head in embarrassment.

Hyunjin's lips curled into a teasing smirk. "You really can't hold your liquor, can you?" The playful edge in his voice only made your embarrassment grow.

Tae stretched lazily as he stood up. "Since you are awake now, I'll go grab some stuff from the store. You need something to soak up that hangover, and I need some fresh air." He came toward you to pat your shoulder lightly before heading for the door, leaving you alone with Hyunjin.

As soon as your brother was out of earshot, the air shifted. Hyunjin's teasing demeanor faded, replaced by something more serious as his eyes searched for yours. "Do you remember what I told you last night?"

You blinked, momentarily caught off guard. "What exactly...?" you replied, feigning ignorance as you tried to recall.

Hyunjin's voice dropped lower. "I told you to promise me something," he said, "That if you ever saw me looking at you with..." He paused, letting the weight of his words hang between you.

Your heart quickened as the memory of his request flashed in your mind. You remembered—but the intensity of the moment made you nervous. You chuckled lightly, brushing it off, not wanting to dive into that topic. "I... I really don't remember much from last night," you lied, hoping to avoid the conversation.

Hyunjin's expression darkened briefly, disappointment flickering in his eyes. He nodded, his tone shifting back to a more casual one. "Alright," he said, walking towards the counter near you. "Just... be careful around me, Y/N." He picked up his phone and began scrolling through it, the conversation seemingly over.

You could still feel his gaze on you as you turned your back, leaning against the kitchen counter. You exhaled quietly, closing your eyes for a moment, grateful to have dodged that particular conversation—for now. "Do you and Tae have any... vampire plans today?" you asked, breaking the silence, trying to shake off the tension that lingered between you.

Hyunjin glanced up from his phone, raising an eyebrow. "Why? Thinking about joining us?" His lips quirked into a smirk, teasing once again. "We were planning to hit up the club tonight. You could come if you're up for it."

"The club?" You leaned against the counter, contemplating his offer. "Maybe... if my head stops pounding."

Hyunjin chuckled, standing up and walking over to you. He placed a hand on your forehead, his touch cool. "You should drink some water and eat something. That might help with your hangover." He grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water, handing it to you.

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