Part Seventeen

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Part Seventeen:

Percy felt like he was floating around in an endless void. He heard voices, but they were so faint that he couldn't tell them apart. They merged together to create one giant mumbling creature.

He floated around for ages, staring into the darkness as if something might come out of it. But whatever was going to arrive was in no hurry, yet after what felt like a millennium, someone did appear. It was a god. Not just any god, Thanatos.

"Hello, Perseus." Thanatos said. His eyes were gold, and for a moment he reminded Percy of Hazel, but then he realised that it couldn't be her. Did she have wings on her back? He didn't think so.

"Thanatos?" Percy asked, confused. "Why are you here?"

"I am here with an offer for you." Thanatos stated. "You are on the brink of death. I can either make you live or die. It's your choice. If you choose death then you will be granted Elysium. You can see all of your dead friends - start a new life in the Underworld. Or you can choose life. You'll get to see Annabeth and your demigod friends, but you will suffer. Monsters will hunt you down. Your unborn child will be thrust into a dangerous world - the Giant War isn't over yet. So what will it be?"

Percy looked to his right. There was a hospital room. He could see Annabeth sitting on a chair holding his hand. Percy's body was limp, he could see that he was only just alive because of the life support machine sitting next to him.

On the left was a city. It looked like an ancient greek city. Everyone was happy and joyful. Percy looked back at Annabeth. She was crying. He sighed, turning away from her.

"I choose..."


It had been three days.

Annabeth wanted her Percy back, but everyday he didn't wake up, she grew sadder and more tired. Piper, Calypso and Hazel encouraged her to sleep, but Annabeth just somehow couldn't settle down. She felt like her heart was dying.

Suddenly, the heart monitors started beeping. Doctors and nurses rushed into the room. They started putting wires into Percy's body and tapping on computer screens. Annabeth was pushed towards the back of the room in the sea of nurses.

"What's happening to him?" She asked, fear stabbing her heart.

"He's waking up!" The nurse closest to her exclaimed.

Relief flooded into Annabeth. He's alive. She thought. He's alive.

Five minutes later, most of the nurses stepped out of the room. Annabeth moved closer towards Percy and sat down in a chair next to his bed. She gripped his hand and slowly, his eyes started to open.

"A-Annabeth?" He whispered, staring at her.

"Hey Seaweed Brain." She smiled. "How are you feeling?"

"Like half of my bones are dead." Percy replied, cracking a smile. But then his expression blanked out. He blinked, then stared at Annabeth in confusion, his eyes turning foggy like a cloudy mist had blown into them. "I'm sorry, who are you?"

And Annabeth's heart snapped in two.

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