Part Forty (p3)

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Percabeth Wedding

Part 3:

Everyone was on their feet. Most of the girls were crying, and all of the campers were clapping as Percy and Annabeth broke apart from their kiss. They walked back down the aisle hand in hand as everyone next to the aisle in the rows of seats threw flower petals and rice over them.

Percy gripped Annabeth's hand in his as they exited the tent and went onto the sandy beach. They walked around together, enjoying the sunlight and the waves that gently lapped against the shore before heading back down the beach to the reception party.

Tables had been set up that seated eight, and there was a dance floor in the centre of the area. Everyone was already seated by the time they got there, so they got a huge round of applause when they entered.

Suddenly, dozens of Demeter kids arrived, arms laden with dishes full of food. Percy and Annabeth took seats with the other seven (and Calypso) but not before Percy's mum came and gave him a hug, sobbing into his shoulder about how her 'little boy had grown up'.

After a delicious meal, a cake was rolled out. It was white with four tiers and two mini figures of Percy and Annabeth on top. Blue flowers decorated it, and it was almost as tall as the Demeter kid who was pushing the trolley.

Percy and Annabeth each took turns at cutting it and feeding each other the slices before everyone else got some. Then the Apollo cabin DJ started up a song and Percy lead Annabeth out onto the dance floor. Percy kept tripping up, but Annabeth just smiled an encouraged him on. All of the spectators clapped, and then went out to dance themselves.

Annabeth grabbed her bouquet and all of the girls grouped up behind her. She turned her back and tossed it into the air. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Jason controlling the wind to make it land in Piper's arms. He saw her looking and blushed, but Annabeth gave him a smile and Percy a thumbs up.

Ten minutes later, the music stopped. Jason called for silence and everyone made a circle around him and Piper who was looking confused.

Then Jason got down on one knee. The crowd all gasped at the same time, muttering to each other. "Piper Mclean." Jason began, and Piper was already in tears. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met, and if I were to compare you to anyone else in a beauty contest, you would win. I love you with all my heart, so will you marry me?"

"SAY YES!" The crowd screamed, and Piper held her hands up for silence. It was so quiet could could've heard a pin drop.

"Jason Grace." Piper said. "Of course I'll marry you!" She hauled him to his feet and kissed him, while the crowd exploded. Everyone was clapping and cheering as the music came back on, this time a slow song.

All of the couples paired up, while Percy took his mum out onto the dance floor. Annabeth stood watching from beside the punchbowl, smiling as her Seaweed Brain stepped on his mother's foot then spent the next thirty seconds apologising while she laughed. Then someone said her name from behind her.

"Annabeth." Startled, Annabeth turned around to face Frederick Chase.

"Dad?" She replied, shocked.

"We need to talk." He lead her over back towards the tables where the kids were sitting with Will and Nico.

Zoe stared up at Annabeth and started crying so she picked her up, rocking her gently and singing a lullaby.

Frederick looked from Zoe to Annabeth. "Is she yours?"

"Yes." Annabeth replied.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He demanded, a pleading look in his eyes.
Annabeth sighed. "You neglected me as a child. I tried to tell you, but I couldn't bring myself to call you. I didn't want to go back, not after what I've been through with Percy, so I told you that something had come up."

"You lied, didn't you?"

"It was only half a lie. I went to high school with Percy. We finished our last year, then I found out I was pregnant." Annabeth looked at her dad, who had an angry expression on his face. "It was an accident!" She cried. "But the gods told me later on that it was necessary that me and the other girls in the seven got pregnant." Annabeth looked around to make sure that no one else was listening. "There was another great prophecy about the children of the seven. Only a few campers know about it, and we plan to keep it that way until our kids turn a certain age."

"There's a catch, isn't there?" Her dad asked, an eyebrow raised.

"We can't have any contact with the demigod world." Annabeth sighed.

"Then come stay with us." Frederick Chase begged. "I want your daughter to grow up knowing her grandparents."

"My mum and Poseidon have already agreed that we'd be safer somewhere else. They've built us a house by the sea in a town far away, and I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do." She gazed down at Zoe who had her eyes half-closed like a cat.

"What's her name?" Her dad asked quietly.

"Zoe." Annabeth replied. "Zoe Jackson."

"Well, whatever happens, I just want you to know that I'll be waiting for you." Frederick smiled, and embraced her in a hug. Then he disappeared into the crowd.

Annabeth stood there for a moment, staring at the place where he had disappeared. Someone tapped her shoulder.

She turned around to face Chiron. "It's time." He said, and Annabeth nodded her head stiffly, going over to where the rest of the seven and the kids were beside the ocean. As she looked back at the party, she saw them dancing with each other, but she knew that Hecate must've created them from the mist.

She took one final glance at the group of campers, and then back at her seven friends. Percy grabbed her hand and kissed her quickly on the lips.

"This is goodbye." He whispered.

"I know." Annabeth replied.

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