Part Thirty-Seven:

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Part Thirty-Seven:

The trees swayed in the wind, leaves fluttering off like paper. Percy was outside the infirmary, head in his hands, not wanting to go inside, and definitely not focusing on the trees.
Grover walked up to him and gently put a hand on Percy's shoulder. "Percy, man, you gotta go see her!" He cried.

"No, it's too much." Percy muttered. "Her screams take me back to Tartarus."

"But she's your fiancée!"

"What if I have a flashback?" Percy demanded, his eyes gaining an angry glow. "It's happened before, so why not now?"

Grover took a step back, hands up. "Look, Perce, she's in labour with your daughter! You gotta get in there to support her!"

"You're right." Percy said miserably. "I'm neglecting my family." He hurried inside.

Grover sighed. He knew that Percy was just trying to do what was best for himself and Annabeth, but this was nuts.


Three hours later, Zoe Bianca Jackson was born. She was the most beautiful baby in the world, Percy had proclaimed. Will had smiled and said that she was perfectly healthy, which made everyone excited.

Zoe had large grey eyes and tufts of black hair. She was like an angel, and everyone at camp swarmed the couple and their daughter when they entered the dining pavilion.

"Oh my gods!" Two Aphrodite girls screamed in sync, clutching each other's shoulders and jumping up and down.

"Campers!" Chiron boomed, shaking his head and chuckling at the same time. "Please go back to your tables, there will be time to meet Zoe Jackson later."

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