Part Twenty-Eight:

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Part Twenty-Eight:

"So, who are your bridesmaids going to be?" Percy asked his fiancée, Annabeth, as she sat leaning against the wall beside his bunk in the Poseidon cabin, a notepad clutched in her hand. He sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Well, I've decided on Piper, Calypso and Hazel for the bridesmaids and Thalia to be my maid of honour." She told him, scribbling down on the piece of paper.

"I'm thinking of Grover for my best man, and Jason, Frank and Leo for my groomsmen." Percy decided.

"Ooh, and we should have it on that stretch of grass beside the fireworks beach." Annabeth added thoughtfully. "And the reception could be on the sand. Then afterwards, we can go our separate ways. Has Chiron organised an excuse for us yet?"

Percy's expression changed. He scratched the back of his neck, looking troubled. "Well, you see, while you and the girls were making preparations for a baby shower, the boys and I asked Chiron and he said that the only way that would be believable - and the gods agreed to help - would be to stage an accident after the wedding to make it look like we died."

Annabeth stared at the opposite side of the cabin. "To make it look like to everyone at camp that... we're dead?"

"Well, Rachel, Nico and Chiron are all in on the plan, but everyone else has no clue."

"What about Thalia? And Grover and Will?"

"It would be better to keep the plan quiet. Our parents have already organised a house in a small beachside town for us. The others are going somewhere else, but Poseidon and Athena have, for once, agreed that we would be safer in a small town by the sea so Poseidon can protect us." Percy said, unwrapping his arm from around Annabeth's shoulders.

"So the gods are going to help us?" Annabeth asked.

"Yeah. They figured that if our kids are going to save the world, then they may as well help protect them. And speaking of our kid." Percy put his hand on Annabeth's stomach, which had grown considerably over the past few months. She was now five months pregnant, and the others were six and seven. "We haven't chosen a name yet."

"Well, I was thinking of Zoe or Bianca." Annabeth smiled.

"For the huntresses?"

"Yeah. It would be a great way to honour their memory. And if we had another kid..." she trailed off.

"...Luke or Ethan for a boy." Percy finished for her. "I heard Calypso and Leo had decided on Alexandra and Charlie."

"Hazel and Frank were going for Sammy, after Leo's great grandfather, and Hazel's old boyfriend."

"And Jason and Piper wanted Michael."

"Yeah, I'm not to sure why, but I think it would suit their kid."

"Now, lets continue with those wedding plans..." Percy snatched the notepad out of Annabeth's hand and drew a clumsy picture of a wedding cake.

"Percy!" Annabeth giggled, taking the notepad back. "That looks like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, not a wedding cake!"

She kissed him on the nose and then started sketching another cake. "Is that better?" She showed him the drawing.

"You decide." Percy smiled, kissing her on the lips.

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