Chapter 50

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It was the last class before lunch on Wednesday. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about Murdoc since he asked me to be his boyfriend. Well he didn't exactly ask but ya know. I tried paying attention to the math on the whiteboard but my stomach kept growling, for once I couldn't wait to eat lunch. Murdoc will be happy, he always says I don't eat enough.  I smiled thinking I'd be making him proud. 

Eventually the bell sounded and I grabbed my stuff and went looking straight for Murdoc. I seen him near his locker, leaning his body against it with his hand touching his head chatting away to someone. I stopped to appreciate my view, he always looked so effortlessly cool. 

He seen me approaching and waved the other guy away. 

"Hey dents" He greeted wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me in for a kiss. I thought it was gonna be a peck, but he cupped my face and gently pushed me against the locker. We kissed until I had to break away for air, it always made him smirk when I was the one to break away, like he won a competition or something.    

I blushed pulling away still not being able to get used to the public affection. People still stared at us wherever we went, guess they couldn't get used to it either. 

"Look Bluebird I won't be here for the next two days during lunch, I gotta go practice with my band, bloody dim-witted singer isn't able to get the words right to half the songs." He rolled his eyes "so I have to go fix things before Friday" He huffed

"Have you another gig on Friday?" I asked thinking he definitely didn't mention anything about it to me. 

"Eh yeah yeah I do but it's not that big a deal.. nothing like the last time" he sighed giving me a bit of an awkward look.

I cringed thinking of the last time and how badly I screwed it up for him.

"Where's it on Mudz" I asked trying to be supportive.

He gave me an odd look before pulling me in and ruffling my hair "Don't worry about it Dents, see ya later" he winked as he headed off.

I watched as his Cuban heels marched away down the corridor. I was glad to not have to sit with Murdoc's friends for lunch but I already missed him.

I went into the canteen looking for Noodle and Russ. I seen them at their usual table and gave a small wave. 

I sat down unwrapping my cheese sandwich smiling that I would finally get to silence my stomach.

"Toochie, toochie, toochie" Noodle said folding her arms and raising an eyebrow. 

"UH y-y-yes" I gulped

"What the heck happened yesterday! Why did you leave school in the middle of the day?!" 

"Oh uh yeah thanks Noodz again for saving my stuff" I laughed. She didn't laugh, she just raised her eyebrow further waiting on an explanation. 

I gave in and told them everything. 

"Uh well that was a little bit t.m.i. , surely you could've left some parts out" Russ said shuddering.

"Oh uh sorry Russ" I said only now realising that Russ definitely didn't need to know details of Murdoc ploughing me. 

Noodle burst out laughing at his reaction. 

Lunch always flew by when I got to spend it with my friends. 

I was on my way back to class when I overheard Jasper and Snake talking. 

"Jasp mate will you give me and Carly a lift Friday night to M's gig, I'd walk only for Carly would kill me making her walk in heels, ya know how birds are, don't wanna listen to that all night." Snake said chuckling 

"You sure you wanna bring Carly there? It's a bit rough for a girl to be hanging around especially when she's not from 'ere" Jasper questioned

"Huh what ya mean mate, thought it was on at Digby's?" Snake said confused

"Nah bro, change of venue, on at Slither now. But look man it's up to you I can pick yis up at ten if you do wanna bring 'er" 

"Leave it with me, thanks mate" Snake sighed before they both headed to class. 

I smiled to myself, now that I knew where it was on, I had the perfect opportunity to surprise Mudz and prove how sorry I was for the last time. I do really want to support him. 

Time Skip Friday Evening

I had spent ages trying to find an outfit. I had to make sure to dress in a way that I didn't stand out. Every piece of clothing I owned made me stand out compared to the type of stuff Murdoc and his friends wear. 

Eventually I threw on an old pair of black ripped skinny jeans, black boots, a black tee and my leather jacket. I managed to find a beanie from when I had a bit of an "emo phase" and hid my hair under it. God knows what would happen if I  showed up with a mop of blue hair on my head. 

I typed Slither into my map app on my phone. Only a half hour walk so not too far for me thankfully. 

The more I walked and the more secluded my surroundings became, the more I felt I should've just asked Jasper if I could also carpool with them. Something about that made me laugh, because they would probably kill me quicker than any murderer lurking in these streets. Only for Murdoc would have their heads. I blushed thinking of how protective he is. Protective or possessive? I think I'd rather not differentiate. 

Eventually I arrived in one piece at the venue. It was absolutely packed, there were bodies everywhere. People were already passed out of the ground from god only knows what substance, half the crowd were fist fighting with one another and the other half were downing drinks. Everyone was wearing some sort of leather and looked like they would jump before you would even have a chance to breathe.

I headed to the bar to get a drink, I figure I'd rather be on the drinking side than the fist fight side tonight. Don't think the violent side would end too good for me. 

I headed to the back of the crowd, drink in hand ready for the show to begin. 

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