6 : Stuck At Level 2

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" Morning, science-in-disguise barista"

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" Morning, science-
in-disguise barista"

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☆Author pov (One Week Later)

It’s been a week since Jungkook started his routine—working out every morning, pushing his strength, agility, and stamina to the limit. He’s grown more comfortable talking to Sohee, even if he’s still a bit awkward. But something’s changed.

He stands in front of the mirror, noticing the subtle shifts in his body—his muscles are more defined, his movements sharper. 

Like in the spiderman movie where Peter parker wakes up he gets more muscle or in Solo Levelling anime.

But this isn't like the movies, this is real action– no matter how much effort he puts in, his stats won’t budge. Even IRIS isn't saying anything. Been quite silent.

Updated Stats (One Week Later):

Strength : 2/10  

Agility : 2/10  

Stamina: 2/10  

Charm/Sxx Appeal 2/10  

Experience: 2/10

Iris Of Desires, Sxx Levelling Overall Level :  2/10

Abilities Access : 2

Abilities Full Unlocked : 1

Abilities Locked : - ( many)

= Intimate Scan : Partially Unlock/Access

= Sxx Appeal/Daily Task : Full Unlock/ Access

He can feel the power of his sxx appeal,he has put it to use but without full unlock/access of intimate scan. H

e feels like a naked man walking through the world of romance and Sxx. In his gut ,  in his body or bet even in his d!ck, he can feel the existence of abilities just beneath the surface like Intimate Scan and many more.

He can only get a glimpse of the name & the other abilities—but none are fully accessible. He doesn't even know what their function is ( except vaguely intimate scan cuz of IRIS). His stats haven’t moved in days, no matter how much he works out or flirts. Something’s missing.

He tries to ask IRIS again and again but it's not helpful.

She is silent, only notifications popping up & reminders of his tasks.

Jungkook steps into the coffee shop, already familiar with the routine. It's a college break. Sohee, now a friendly face, waves him over as he approaches the counter.

“Morning, latte art enthusiast,” she teases, her smile as warm as ever.

Jungkook grins, more at ease with her than when he first started coming here. “Morning, science-in-disguise barista. I’ve been meaning to ask—how long did it take for you to perfect your latte art?”

Sohee tilts her head, thoughtful. “Years, honestly. It’s a mix of muscle memory and intuition now. Why, thinking of picking it up?”

Jungkook leans on the counter, feeling a little more confident in his responses. “Maybe. But I feel like I’d end up making a mess before I made anything that looks half as good as yours.”

Sohee laughs softly, handing him his coffee. “You’d be surprised. It’s all about precision and timing. Kind of like… physics, right?”

Jungkook smirks, pleased she remembers their earlier conversation. “Exactly. Just a different kind of experiment.”

They exchange a few more lighthearted words before he heads out, but this time, as he leaves, a new notification flashes across his vision:

Abilities Partially Unlock/Access. Complete More Daily Tasks to Unlock/Access Abilities Fully

Jungkook frowns, knowing this means something more is required of him. IRIS OF DESIRES, the overall level has been at Level 2 for days now, and despite his constant effort, it won’t advance. Worse, he wants to activate Intimate Scan but without full access/unlock, it’s useless. The lenses are holding him back until he completes something more significant. He tries to ask IRIS but it’s been a bit dormant. Only giving reminders.

“Bye Sohee. Maybe I'll come back for more..than uhm coffee next time” He shoots a wink as he leaves.

“You said that already , dumbo” she murmurs alone , remembering he already said that before..as if hoping something more happens.

Jungkook sits on a park bench, staring at his hands.

He knows he’s improved—both physically and in his conversations with people—but it’s not enough. The routine tasks aren’t moving the needle anymore, and he’s hit a wall.

The abilities he’s worked so hard to access—Intimate Scan can’t be fully activated/access/unlocked & others—are locked away, teasing him.

The interface flickers in his vision again, a reminder of his current status:

Strength : 2/10  

Agility : 2/10  

Stamina: 2/10  

Charm/Sxx Appeal 2/10  

Experience: 2/10

Iris Of Desires, Sxx Levelling Overall Level :  2/10

Abilities Access : 2

Abilities Full Unlocked : 1

Abilities Locked : -Undetermined ( many)

= Intimate Scan : Partially Unlock/Access

= Sxx Appeal/Daily Task : Full Unlock/ Access

It's not used today, there is no progress. He knows what he needs to do.

To unlock these abilities, he’ll have to keep up with his daily tasks, one that pushes him beyond his current limits.

It's just like a game when you’re stuck on a level—you need to do some grinding. More sxx levelling then.

Jungkook sighs, determined. Someday, he’ll figure out what’s holding him back. Whether it’s with Sohee or someone else, he needs to break through this barrier if he’s going to unlock the full power of the lenses.

✩To be Continued..

✩Author notes:
This is actually going good ehehehe. I love short chapters so easy...

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