7 : Intimate Scan Part 1

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" Is this just lust?"

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☆Author pov (A day later)

Jungkook stirs in his sleep; it's 2 a.m. He considers getting up to burn some calories-after all, it's his college break.

He might as well focus his sxx levelling, which has become his main focus lately: pushing his limits. Yet, it feels too early for exercise and his usual routine.

Just then, his IRIS lenses light up with a new notification.

Intimate Scan ability:

Unlocking Intimate Scan Ability:

Goal: Jungkook must spend one day observing people in intimate settings, like couples or friends sharing secrets. He has to pick up on subtle body language, emotional cues, and interactions without directly engaging. By the end of the day, he must intuitively guess what their hidden desires or emotions are.


- Unlocks fully Intimate Scan, granting Jungkook the ability to directly perceive others' intimate desires and secrets with the lenses.

Finally, this is what Jungkook has been waiting for.

Jungkook's first task to unlock the power of the lenses is deceptively simple: observe.

As he wanders the city streets this early morning - 2:30 AM, his eyes catch glimpses of couples lost in their own worlds-some sharing whispered conversations, others exchanging soft glances.

But it isn't until he turns down a dimly lit alleyway that the lenses begin to stir.

Intimate Scan Ability Unlocking Opportunity Detected

There, tucked against the wall, is a couple.

The woman has her back pressed against the brick, her lips slightly parted as her lover leans in, his hand slipping beneath her shirt just slightly.

Their breathing is heavy, their bodies close but not fully touching. The man murmurs something into her ear-something Jungkook can't hear-but it makes her shiver.

Jungkook's heart races, not just from watching, but from the strange sensation flickering through the lenses.

He can slightly feel the tension between them-their unspoken desires, the restraint they are barely holding onto. Even without a hint from the lenses.

The woman's hands clench the fabric of her lover's jacket, her need palpable, while the man's touch is tentative, as if waiting for her permission to go further.

What are they really feeling? Jungkook wonders, watching the scene closely. Is this just lust? Or something more?.

He studies their body language, the way their movements are deliberate yet cautious, as if they are testing each other's limits.

They're holding back, he thinks, his brow furrowing. But why?

As he focuses, the lenses pulse in his eyes. He can almost see their desires swirling around them, like a haze of emotion.

He feels it-they both want more-but something is stopping them.

Are they afraid of what will happen if they go further? Jungkook speculates. Or is this some kind of game? Control, maybe?

The lenses hum again, intensifying as Jungkook narrows his focus. This isn't just about lust, he realizes. It's deeper than that-there's something they're both scared of.

He senses their hesitation, their fear of losing control, even though they are clearly craving more from each other.

Jungkook closes his eyes briefly, trusting his instincts. They're in love... but they're both afraid to fully surrender.

When he opens his eyes, the lenses glow softly & flashes a notification, confirming his guess.

Task Complete. Intimate Scan Ability Unlocked

The couple finally melts into each other's arms, their lips meeting in a kiss that holds a mix of passion and vulnerability.

Jungkook turns and walks away, his heart still racing. The second ability/ layer of his power is now unlocked-Intimate Scan.

He can not only see what people are doing but understand what they truly want.

At least fully now, even know their deepest darkest secrets & desires.

✩To be Continued..

✩Author notes:
New ability unlocked yay! 🔓

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