Opening wounds.

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My heart lives outside me

Two small feet

The day I held you was the day I had begged for mercy

Becoming a mother was a mark against my lives, I'm no sly cat

I no longer have 9

They left us to die

You and me

On those cold November days, where we wasted away

I still dream of those nights where they turned me away


Why did they leave us to die?

Why did it take 6 days, and a threat of violence?

Why did it have to go so far?

Why did my body have to begin the throng of death? Kidneys give out

Why did it take shock and pallor?

Why did it have to go so far?

They didnt take you out with urgency

They left you in me to suffer in pain, with the risk you'd die

I bore you in pain, our two guardians fighting to keep us alive

I'm thankful for my mother who stayed by our side

I'm thankful for your father, who was filled with rage, the man who loved we, who swore hell and fire if we died.

You laid in my arms finally, alive

Brown eyes stared into mine, bruised black and blue all over, cut up and bleeding, you were born hurt, you were born marked

Marked by their indifference and coldness and hatred

God! What they did to us has marked me for life

Not a day goes by that I don't think about it.

Those 6 days of hell

Those 6 days of pain

The day i met you, we could have slipped away

Now today, 6 years later

Brunette and wild, tan and sly, my daughter lives her life, thank god she's alive

We beat the mark against us, they didn't get to kill us, though they tried

November days, we survived

November days, we made out alive.

I don't have 9 lives, because they thought I had made up lies.

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