3. First Date

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Lilly's POV
Harry planned everything; we ate dinner at the hotel in his sweet by candlelight and he took me to the movie theater to not get recognized. We sat in the back and we saw Paper Towns. I had already seen it, but I loved it. He drove me home and kissed me at my door. I hugged him asking, "What's going to happen when you leave?"
He said, "I'll have to Skype you then."
I said, "Don't have a Skype, not enough money."
He nodded and asked, "Call?"
"Different time zones."
"Again, different time zones."
"Probably only about once a day depending on your connection and my connection."
"How's pen and paper then?" He joked.
"Probably not going to work because it takes too long for a letter to go out and I probably wouldn't catch you at you're appropriate country and-"
He cut me off with a kiss saying, "I am going to make an account for you on Skypke, text you the information, and you are going to use it."
"Wait, that costs money, I'm going to have to pay you back, " I protested.
He smiled saying, "No, you won't, I want to do it for you, so let me.
I said, "Harry, you shouldn't spend money on me."
He said, "I want to, you're my girlfriend, aren't you?"
I nodded and he continued, "I like to spoil my girlfriend with gifts, consider a Skype account the first one."
I said, "You're not giving up on this, are you?"
He shook his head and I pecked his lips saying, "Thank you." He nodded, we said our good byes, made plans for tomorrow, kissed once more, and I went inside watching him drive off. I sunk back against the door smiling touching my lips...

Harry's POV
I smiled as I drove away from Lilly's house. She sure is something, I felt this connection between her and I just feel like I'm on cloud nine now that she's mine! Hey, that's a good lyric for a song!
Anyway, I got back to the hotel and the lads were waiting up for me and Louis asked, "So, how was the rest of the date?"
I smiled saying, "It was perfect, I actually felt normal. We didn't get spotted and we were just a normal couple."
Niall said, "Look, mate, I'm really glad you found a genuine girl, but you have to realize, though she's really mature, she's still only fifteen. She's still a kid."
I said, "Yeah, it's just, I don't think I've ever felt this way about someone. She's perfect. Absolutely gorgeous."
He nodded and Louis asked, "When are you seeing her again?"
I said, "Tomorrow, we made plans to chill at her place and I get to know her parents a bit more."
He nodded and Liam asked, "Do you think you can trust her?"
I nodded saying, "She seems to nice to do anything against us. She knows what it's like to be burned and she doesn't want to cause anyone pain or trouble."
Liam nodded saying, "Yeah, but be careful mate, you never know." I nodded.
The lads went to bed after we watched a movie. Niall said as he went to bed, "Remember what I said."
I replied, "Yes, thank you, Liam." He rolled his eyes and walked into his room. Lilly and I were texting all this time and I said good night heading to bed excited for tomorrow.

Lilly's POV
The next day, Harry and I spent the day at my house. We watched movies, at lunch and dinner with my parents and just hung out and got to know each other even more. We set up a Skype account for me and I friended Harry and the other guy's accounts. I put the Skype app on my phone and I was all set up.
Harry went on the tour with the lads and finished up the America and Canada part of the tour on September 9. The guys spent a few days in Arizona and went home for about a week before returning on tour.
Harry and the lads invited me to the final show on October 31, in Sheffield, England. My mom actually agreed to go. Since it was on a Saturday we could go. She took Monday off so she could recooperate from the trip while I still wanted to go to school on Monday. I had things to do, our winter formal is coming up for Student Council and I was head of that committee! ;) :)

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