6. Holidays

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Lilly's POV
For Thanksgiving Harry spent time with his family and I spent time with my family. We Skyped for a while though. I talked to the other guys as well and then for Christmas I spent the actual day with my family and flew out that night with my mom and we would return two days before school started.
I got to London and Harry had a private car bring us to his house where his mom was and we spent a few days there. He took me around London and showed me all the sights.
He, my mom, and I flew out the day before to New York where the guys were performing. The lads hung out at the after party while Harry and I had our first New Years Kiss as the ball dropped. I smiled as we pulled away. He said, "Happy New Year, Lilly."
"Happy New Year, Harry." Our lips met once more and we went to bed. (Not together)
So, the next stadium tour would start on February 20 and I was excited because I can spend time with Harry on his birthday, February 1st, my birthday, February 5th, and Valentines Day! :D
So, for Harry's birthday, I invited his parents, sister, and the lads to Arizona. They had to unfortunately stay in a hotel because we didn't have enough room at my house. I had the lads help with the expenses, which I was really greatful for and the hotel they were playing at we would have a party. Harry was turning 22! I made sure there was beer and such. The boys invited tons of celebrities, but we made an announcement saying that they are not allowed to tell anyone about me, which they complied, given that would ruin Harry's career and they were his friends, so they really didn't want to hurt him in any way. It was a huge party and went from eight at night to two in the morning. It was amazing and Liam helped me drag Harry to his hotel room.
I went home that night and my mom knew I would be out late, I made sure it was the Saturday before and Harry was staying until the tour started where we would both fly out to the first show and I would fly back home alone.
Anyway, for my birthday, I was turning sixteen. Harry had actually helped me put on a huge sweet sixteen party and unfortunately he couldn't attend because, teenagers with phones, it would spread and we didn't want to be exposed. So that Saturday I had my actual Sweet Sixteen and then on Sunday, we had a romantic dinner in and watch movies together. It was perfect. I told Harry to only get me something from the heart and he did. He gave me a song. It was beautiful and he also sang me Little Things and Diana. I kissed his lips saying, "Best birthday ever!"
He said, "It's going to get better." He handed me a square box and small gift card box. One box had a golden locket that was shaped like a heart with a picture of him and me in there. He said as I pulled out a card from the other box, "It's a debit card. I put a thousand dollars in there for whatever you want to get at whatever store, so have a shopping spree with your friends, buy a new wardrobe, anything. Just have fun!"
I looked at him shocked. My mouth was agape and I said, "I can't accept a thousand dollars from you, Harry!"
He said, "It's yours to do whatever with."
I said, "I'm using four hundred on whatever I want, but the rest is going to be used if I need it for school."
He kissed me saying, "Whatever you want to use it for."
I said, "Can we dance?"
He said, "Lilly, you know very well that I can't dance."
I said, "Yeah, I'll teach you." I put on Photograph by Ed Sheeran.
I pulled his hands around my waist and I wrapped my hands around his neck. He pressed our foreheads against each other and he softly sang with the song. I sang with him and our eyes connected. The song ended, but we still swayed as a Kiss Me from Ed Sheeran came on.
He breathed, "Beautiful..." He leaned down and our lips connected. He pulled me close and tightened his arms around my waist. My hands wound in his hair and our lips over in sync. He swiped his tounge over my bottom lip begging for entrance and I allowed him. He smiled into the kiss and then I gasped for air. He kissed down my jaw to my neck and kissed softly, but gave me no markings. I hummed in appreciation. He chuckled saying, "Happy Birthday, Lilly..."
I said, "Thank you, Harry."
He gave me short, but sweet kiss. I smiled and went home that night with the best feeling in the world. I smiled for through the rest of the week.
It was Valentines day and Harry and I spent the day together at my house. I first went to church and Harry met me at my house after. We spent the day watching movies cuddling on the couch. My mom and dad had decided to go out for dinner. Harry and I spent the dinner eating pizza and watching movies. I said as I changed to a different movie, "I promised myself I'd never ask this, but why me?" He pulled me onto his lap and I muted the tv.
He said, "What do you mean?"
I said, "Harry Styles could have gotten anyone, but he choose me. Why did you choose me, Harry?"
He said, "Why not choose you? You're are amazing, beautiful, talented, intelligent. Everything a guy could want, you are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me, Lilly. I love you."
My jaw dropped. He chuckled and I said with tears in my eyes, "Harry, you are my knight in shinning armor. You're everything I've ever wanted in my life. I love you, Harry." We kissed passionately and everything was perfect.
At the end of the night he sang me Night Changes and I sang him Tattooed Heart by Ariana Grande. It was perfect.
A few days later I talked to Niall, Liam, and Louis asking him for help. I wanted help to write a song for him.
After about a week of Skyping multiple times and an all nighter, I had it done before the tour started.

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