Chapter 1 : The Edge of Something New

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Chapter 1: The Edge of Something New

The quiet of the early morning stretched across the halls of Cair Paravel, broken only by the gentle crashing of waves against the distant cliffs. Edmund stirred in his chambers, eyes blinking open to the soft sunlight filtering through the high windows. His thoughts were scattered, caught between the events of the previous evening and the lingering echoes of a dream he couldn't quite remember.

It wasn't uncommon for him to slip away from courtly gatherings, to steal moments of solitude in the garden or along the shore. His siblings, particularly Peter, enjoyed the grandeur of state dinners and diplomatic meetings, while Susan was always at ease navigating the complex web of politics and alliances. Lucy, of course, could charm anyone with her lighthearted nature. Edmund preferred to stand on the edges, observing, thinking-until recently.

Aria's face drifted into his mind as he sat up in bed, the image of her quiet smile and the way she had walked beside him in the moonlit garden. It was an unexpected comfort, the ease with which they had fallen into step together, without the weight of formalities or expectations. They hadn't spoken much, but there had been no need. She wasn't like the others at court, who either fawned over him or ignored him, depending on their ambitions. Aria simply... was. She listened, watched, and when she did speak, it was thoughtful, as though she had taken the time to consider her words before offering them.

He found that he appreciated that about her. It was refreshing.

But what did it mean? Edmund didn't want to dwell too much on the question. They were friends, and for now, that was enough. Still, something inside him stirred-a restlessness he hadn't felt before.

Pulling himself from his thoughts, Edmund dressed for the day. His duties called, and there was little time for distractions, however pleasant they might be. Today was no ordinary day; dignitaries from the Lone Islands were expected to arrive before noon, and preparations for their welcome had been underway for weeks. Peter had been particularly eager about securing their alliance, and Edmund knew he had to put his mind fully on the task at hand.

When he entered the grand hall for breakfast, he found his siblings already gathered at the long table. Peter, looking every bit the High King, was discussing the day's agenda with Susan, whose elegant posture and composed expression gave away little of her thoughts. Lucy, seated beside them, was chattering happily with the servants, oblivious to the formalities of court life as always.

"Good morning, Ed!" Lucy's bright voice rang out as she noticed him. "You were up late last night. Sneaking off again?"

Edmund smirked, taking his seat next to her. "Just needed some air."

Peter glanced up from his conversation with Susan. "You might want to keep your air breaks shorter today. The Lone Islanders will be here by noon, and I'll need your support in the discussions."

"Of course," Edmund replied, though he felt the familiar weight of duty settle over him. Diplomacy wasn't his favorite part of ruling, but he had learned to navigate it well enough. He would do his part, as he always did.

"Aria will be there too," Susan said, almost casually, but the glimmer in her eyes told Edmund she had noticed more than she was letting on. "She's been assisting with the preparations."

Edmund didn't miss the way Lucy's gaze flickered between him and Susan, curiosity lighting her face. He bit back a groan. His siblings could be insufferable when they thought there was something to tease him about.

"I'm sure she's done a fine job," Edmund said, keeping his voice steady. He wasn't about to give them any more fuel for their playful barbs. "She's been a great help with these negotiations."

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