Chapter 13 : A Heart Divided

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Chapter 14: A Heart Divided

The morning sun filtered through the stained glass windows of Cair Paravel, casting vibrant colors across the stone floors of the great hall. As the final preparations for the tournament unfolded, the castle buzzed with excitement. Knights in gleaming armor were polishing their swords, courtiers were making their bets, and lords and ladies whispered among themselves, anticipating the spectacle ahead.

Aria, seated at one of the long tables, glanced around, taking in the busy scene. It felt strange to be surrounded by so much festivity when her mind was still tangled in the complexities of her relationships. Edmund's quiet, patient words still echoed in her head from the previous night. He had given her space, but the knowledge that he cared about her more deeply than friendship weighed heavily on her.

She hadn't had time to process everything, and now, as if fate were playing a cruel game, Peter's arrival at her side added another layer to her confusion.

"Aria," Peter greeted warmly, sitting down next to her. His tone was casual, but the warmth in his voice sent an unexpected flutter through her chest.

"Peter," she smiled, trying to ignore the unease growing inside her. "I was just thinking about the tournament."

Peter gave her a sidelong glance, his blue eyes bright with mischief. "Trying to predict the winner? Edmund and I are both competing, you know."

Aria chuckled, thankful for the light-hearted conversation. "I'm sure it will be a close match. You both have been training hard."

Peter leaned in slightly, his expression growing more serious, though there was still a trace of humor in his eyes. "I'm not so sure about that. Edmund's been quite focused lately. I think he has something to prove."

There was something in Peter's tone, something knowing and unspoken, that made Aria's heart race. She suddenly felt exposed, as if Peter could see through her, as if he already knew the tension between her and his younger brother.

But before she could respond, Peter leaned back in his chair, a smile playing on his lips. "It's good to see you smiling again, Aria. I've noticed you've been... distant lately. Is everything all right?"

Aria's stomach tightened. This was not a conversation she wanted to have, not with Peter. "I'm fine," she said, forcing her voice to stay steady. "There's just been a lot on my mind."

Peter studied her for a moment, and Aria could feel his gaze lingering, searching her face for answers. He was different from Edmund-bolder, more direct. Where Edmund gave her space, Peter seemed to challenge her, to push her toward honesty even when she wasn't ready.

"You don't have to pretend with me, Aria," he said softly, his voice losing its earlier lightness. "I'm here, you know. If there's something you want to talk about..."

His words trailed off, but the offer hung in the air between them. Aria's heart ached. She had always admired Peter's strength, his leadership, and his kindness. And now, sitting here with him, she could feel the same pull she had begun to feel with Edmund. But it wasn't the same. With Edmund, there was a quiet intensity, a bond built on years of trust. With Peter, there was something... more complicated.

"I appreciate that, Peter," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I really do."

Peter's smile returned, but it was softer now, tinged with an understanding that made Aria's heart twist. He wasn't going to push her, but the look in his eyes told her that he knew more than she was saying.

"Come on," he said, standing and offering her his hand. "The tournament's about to begin. You can't miss the best part."

Aria took his hand, grateful for the escape, but as she followed him out to the courtyard, her mind was a storm of emotions. She couldn't deny that something was growing between her and Peter as well, something that complicated her feelings even further.


The tournament grounds were alive with energy. The clashing of swords rang through the air as knights fought in the practice rounds, their armor gleaming in the bright morning sun. Edmund and Peter both stood out among the competitors, their skills honed from years of battle.

As Aria watched from the stands, her heart fluttered when Edmund stepped into the ring. He moved with a quiet grace, his eyes focused and determined as he faced his opponent. She could see the tension in his shoulders, the way he held himself as if the weight of everything rested on this one fight.

But Peter was watching too, his eyes following his younger brother's movements with a mix of pride and something else-something Aria couldn't quite place. She glanced at Peter, his jaw tight as he leaned against the rail of the stands. It was as if the tournament wasn't just about skill or strength for him. It was personal.

As the round progressed, Edmund's opponent struck with a fierce blow, but Edmund parried it effortlessly, countering with a precise strike that left the crowd gasping. Aria couldn't help but feel a swell of pride, but she also sensed the deeper significance of this match. Edmund was fighting for more than just victory-he was fighting for something that went beyond the tournament grounds.

When the final blow landed and Edmund's opponent yielded, the crowd erupted into cheers. Aria found herself clapping along with them, her heart pounding in her chest. But when she looked over at Peter, she saw the conflicted expression on his face.

As Edmund stepped out of the ring, victorious, Peter turned to Aria, his voice quiet but firm. "He's changed, hasn't he?"

Aria blinked, taken aback by the question. "What do you mean?"

Peter sighed, looking down at the ground for a moment before meeting her gaze again. "Edmund. He's different now. And I think... I think it has something to do with you."

Her breath caught in her throat. She had known this conversation was coming, but she hadn't expected it to come so soon.

"Peter, I-"

"I'm not blaming you," Peter said quickly, his voice softening. "I just... I see how he looks at you. And I see how you look at him."

Aria opened her mouth to respond, but the words wouldn't come. She didn't know what to say, how to explain the tangled mess of emotions inside her.

Peter gave her a small, sad smile. "It's all right, Aria. I just wanted you to know that... whatever happens, I'll always be here. For both of you."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Aria standing there, her heart pounding in her chest. The weight of Peter's words settled over her, and she realized that things were more complicated than she had ever imagined.

She had always admired Peter's strength and leadership, but now, as she watched him walk away, she saw the vulnerability beneath the surface. And in that moment, she knew that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't avoid the inevitable choice she would have to make.

But for now, they would remain as they were-friends. And as Aria watched Edmund from across the courtyard, she couldn't shake the feeling that her heart was slowly being torn in two.


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