Chapter 29 : A New Beginning

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Years had passed since Aria and Edmund first began their journey together, and in that time, Narnia had flourished under their leadership. The bonds of friendship that tied them together had deepened, evolving into a partnership filled with respect, shared responsibilities, and unyielding support.

As spring breathed new life into the land, Aria found herself wandering through the castle gardens, where the flowers bloomed in vibrant colors. It was a beautiful day, the sun shining bright and a gentle breeze carrying the sweet fragrance of blossoms. Every corner of the castle felt alive, echoing the joy in her heart.

The past year had brought significant changes to Narnia, but nothing compared to the shift within herself. She had come to realize that her feelings for Edmund had grown into something deeper. The playful banter of their youth had transformed into late-night conversations about their dreams and aspirations.

“Earth to Aria!”

Aria turned to find Lucy approaching, a mischievous smile on her face. “You’ve been staring at those flowers for quite some time. What’s on your mind?”

“Just thinking about how much has changed,” Aria said, gesturing to the blooming garden. “And how far we’ve all come.”

Lucy’s expression softened. “Yeah, we’ve come a long way. But I can’t help but notice the connection you and Edmund share. Have you thought about what that means?”

The question caught Aria off guard, and her heart raced. “I… I have thought about it. But with everything going on, it feels like a big step.”

“Sometimes the best steps are the ones we take together,” Lucy encouraged, her tone sincere. “Just talk to him. You deserve to be happy, Aria.”

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow across the garden, Aria’s heart swelled with hope. Maybe it was time to embrace the possibility of a future with Edmund.

Meanwhile, Edmund was busy preparing a surprise of his own. He had spent weeks planning the perfect moment to express his feelings for Aria—a moment that would capture the essence of their relationship. He had gathered a few close friends, including Lucy and Peter, to help him with the special evening.

The day of the proposal arrived, and the castle was abuzz with excitement. Edmund had transformed the courtyard into a welcoming space, draped in twinkling lights and surrounded by flowers. A table was set for two, complete with a simple yet elegant meal.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm light across the courtyard, Aria stepped outside, her breath catching at the sight before her. The beauty of the moment took her aback, and she felt a flutter of nerves.

“Edmund?” she called softly, stepping further into the courtyard.

He appeared from the shadows, a casual smile on his face. “Aria, I’m glad you’re here.”

“What is all this?” she asked, taking in the enchanting setting.

“I wanted to celebrate us,” he said, his tone earnest. “Everything we’ve built together, our friendship, and the direction we’re headed.”

As they sat down to share the meal, they talked and laughed, sharing stories and memories. The connection between them felt more profound with each passing moment.

Once they had finished, Edmund stood, taking her hand. “Aria, there’s something I need to discuss with you.”

Aria’s heart raced as she stood beside him, intrigued. “What is it?”

He took a deep breath, looking into her eyes. “Over the years, you’ve become not just my closest friend but someone I can’t imagine my life without. Your strength and spirit have brought joy into my days.”

Aria felt warmth spread through her at his words. “I feel the same way, Edmund.”

He knelt before her, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small velvet box. The world around them faded into silence as he opened it, revealing a beautiful ring.

“Aria, will you marry me?” he asked, his voice steady. “I want to face whatever comes next together.”

Aria’s breath caught in her throat, her heart racing as she took in the ring. In that moment, everything felt right. “Yes, I will!” she exclaimed, a smile spreading across her face.

Edmund slipped the ring onto her finger, his face lighting up with happiness. They embraced, and she could feel the warmth of his joy radiating through her.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment for a while now,” he said, his voice filled with relief.

As the stars began to twinkle above them, the couple stood in the courtyard, appreciating the moment together. The world felt vibrant with possibility, and Aria realized that no matter the challenges ahead, their bond would be their greatest strength.

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