Chapter 17 : A Choice Revealed

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The night sky glimmered with stars, their reflections shimmering on the surface of the sea. Aria stood at the water's edge, the cool waves lapping at her feet, lost in thought as she gazed out into the darkness. The laughter from Peter and Lucy faded into the background, leaving her with the weight of her feelings pressing heavily on her heart.

After the stone-skipping competition, which Peter had won by a narrow margin, the mood had shifted. Laughter and playfulness were still present, but an undercurrent of tension pulsed through the air, and Aria could feel it in the way Peter and Edmund stole glances at her, each silently vying for her attention.

"Aria!" Lucy's cheerful voice broke through her thoughts as she approached, brushing the sand from her hands. "What are you thinking about? You've been awfully quiet since we started back from the caves."

Aria turned to face her friend, forcing a smile. "Just enjoying the view," she replied, trying to keep her tone light. But Lucy could see through her facade, her brow furrowing in concern.

"Come on. You can tell me," Lucy urged gently, her voice sincere. "I know there's something bothering you."

Aria hesitated, feeling the weight of her emotions. She glanced back toward Peter and Edmund, who were engaged in a playful argument over whose stone skipped the furthest. "It's just... things have been complicated lately. I feel like I'm caught in the middle of something, and I don't know how to handle it."

Lucy nodded, understanding in her eyes. "It's okay to feel that way. You have feelings for both of them, don't you?"

Aria sighed, nodding reluctantly. "It's not that simple. They're both amazing in their own ways, but I don't want to hurt either of them."

"Maybe you need to talk to them," Lucy suggested. "Be honest about how you feel. You don't have to rush into anything, but being open might help."

"Easier said than done," Aria muttered, glancing back at the brothers. They looked so carefree, and the thought of disrupting that made her heart ache.

As the waves crashed against the shore, Lucy continued, "You care about them both, but deep down, I think you know who you want to be with."

"Do I?" Aria mused, her heart racing. The truth was, she had been dancing around her feelings for so long that she was unsure of what she truly wanted.

"Just remember that it's okay to choose happiness for yourself," Lucy said, squeezing her hand before returning to the others.

With Lucy's words echoing in her mind, Aria took a deep breath and made her way back to where Peter and Edmund were now laughing and playfully teasing each other. The moonlight illuminated their faces, revealing the easy camaraderie they shared. Yet, the atmosphere felt charged, as if they both sensed the weight of her indecision.

"Hey, there you are!" Peter exclaimed, his face brightening as she approached. "Did you find any treasures out there?"

"Just a few shells," Aria replied, forcing a smile as she sat down on the blanket beside them. "What are you two plotting now?"

"Oh, just planning how to take down the other in the next stone-skipping match," Edmund replied with a smirk, his dark eyes sparkling with mischief.

Aria couldn't help but smile back, feeling the warmth of their friendship surrounding her. But as their playful banter continued, the knot in her stomach tightened. This was her moment, her chance to speak up and confront the unspoken feelings that had lingered for far too long.

Taking a deep breath, Aria finally spoke, her voice steady yet soft. "I've been thinking a lot about everything lately."

Peter and Edmund paused, their playful expressions shifting to attentive concern. "What do you mean?" Peter asked, his brow furrowing slightly.

"I mean... about us," Aria continued, her heart racing as she forged ahead. "About our friendship and what it means. I've developed feelings for both of you."

Silence enveloped them, the atmosphere shifting as the weight of her confession hung in the air. Peter's expression turned serious, while Edmund's eyes widened in surprise.

"I didn't want to complicate things," Aria added quickly, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks. "But it's the truth. And I want to be honest with you both."

"I appreciate your honesty, Aria," Edmund said, his voice steady. "I've felt something special between us, and I've been trying to find the right time to tell you."

Peter nodded, his expression softening. "Me too. I care about you, Aria. You mean a lot to us both."

The words hung in the air, and Aria felt a rush of conflicting emotions. It was both liberating and terrifying to finally share her feelings, yet the reality of the situation loomed larger than ever.

"Then what do we do?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Edmund exchanged a glance with Peter, the unspoken understanding evident between them. "We take our time," he suggested. "We don't have to rush anything. This is new for all of us."

Peter nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's not let this change our friendship. We can figure it out together."

Aria felt a wave of relief wash over her. It was comforting to know that they were willing to take it slow, to navigate these feelings without sacrificing the bond they had built.

"Thank you both," Aria said softly, her heart swelling with gratitude. "I don't want to lose what we have."

"We won't," Peter promised, a reassuring smile breaking through the tension. "This is just the beginning."

As they resumed their playful banter, the weight on Aria's heart began to lift. She felt a sense of hope for what lay ahead, knowing that their friendship could withstand this new chapter.

But as the night deepened, a thought lingered in the back of her mind. They were venturing into uncharted territory, and with each passing moment, the stakes would grow higher. The unspoken competition between Peter and Edmund would continue, and the path ahead would require understanding, patience, and a willingness to embrace whatever lay ahead.

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