Atla Gen Week 2022

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Day 1: Family.

PD: Well, we have an au about this, it's called "Breakfast Royal Family" ("Familia Real del desayunito"), and it's too random to explain it, because that's it, just random.

PD: Well, we have an au about this, it's called "Breakfast Royal Family" ("Familia Real del desayunito"), and it's too random to explain it, because that's it, just random

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Day 2: Culture.

The Fire Nation has some strange and extreme customs. Some just.

 Some just

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Day 4: Forgiveness.

Lightweight AU where Zuko and Azula get along, but things happened and they got hurt/confused (but not so much) while Zuko was banished. When they arrive at the NF there is a conspiracy against Ozai because he only hinders their plans.

The servants: Is this dangerous?... Well yes, but give it a go!

 Well yes, but give it a go!

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Day 5: Childhood/children.

This is a glimpse of our AU "Fire Sage Lu Ten".

This is a glimpse of our AU "Fire Sage Lu Ten"

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Day 7: Free space.

Sneak peek of "Fairy Odd Parents au" (Padrinos mágicos au) Ty Lee, Azula, Yue, Mai and Zuko are soulmates, when one of them dies they become a fairy odd parent that only their soulmates can hear. Everyone else can only hear sounds of burning embers (because he's from the Fire Nation).

 Everyone else can only hear sounds of burning embers (because he's from the Fire Nation)

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