chapter 6.

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August 20th, 1989 was the day Erik and Lyle Menendez stepped into their home in Beverly Hills, and murdered their parents Kitty and Jose Menendez. Afterwards, Erik called his longtime girlfriend of two years—Rosealine Bishop. Rosealine is the daughter of Wembley title holder Courtney Bishop. She lived two blocks away from the Menendez household.

Once Rosealine received the call, she got into her 85' Ford Bronco and drove to the Menendez house.

She ran through the crowd, acting clueless. On the lawn she found Erik and Lyle Menendez sobbing over their parents. Witnesses report her running to hug Erik, which she later confirmed as true.

She'd tell police she had no idea what had happened, but had seen the cops heading in the direction of the Menendez residence. She said she called, and when no one answered she raced over.

Upon further investigation on the brothers, they realized that Rose may had been an accomplice too. They did a polygraph test, which she failed. Lie detector tests should be taken with a grain of salt, but it definitely didn't help her case.

Eventually, they found the audio recording of Rosealine and Erik on the phone where Lyle admits to the murders, and Rose acknowledges it. This sent Rosealine straight to court, where the upcoming footage will show you what she says about the night.

The Menendez Brothers Trial. 1995. Rosealine Bishop Takes the Stand.

Rosealine adjusted herself on hearing the question.

August 20th.

"Okay," She answered, licking her chapped lips.

"Where were you the night that Kitty and Jose were murdered?"

"I was at home."

"Where is your home?"

"Beverly Hills."

"About how many blocks did you live from the Menedez's?"


"Did Erik call you the night he killed his parents?"


"Did he admit to you he did it?"


"Who told you then?"

Roses eyes glanced at Lyle. He looked back at her with an expression she couldn't read.

"Lyle told me." She said, anxiously pulling at her sweater sleeve. Her foot bounced on the carpet below her.

"Lyle told you what?"

Rose hated how specific they made everyone be. No matter how hard it was to describe or explain—they pushed.

She refrained a deep sigh before answering, "That he had killed his parents."

"What did you say after that?"

"He also mentioned how the cops were on their way and they had called. I asked him if they knew he did it or not. When he said no, I told him I was on my way and I drove over."

"And Ms. Bishop how long have you been dating Erik Menendez?"

"Two years, ma'am." She replied, biting the inside of her cheek out of nerves.

"So you are well aquatinted with the family, correct?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Were you friends with Lyle?"

"Yes and I still am." She clarified. Lyle smirked the tiniest bit at her response.

"Still am?" The prosecutor repeated.

"I still am." She reassured the prosecutor and the court. Lyle was her friend to the day—even if she had to somewhat tell on him.

"Ms Bishop, why did you help cover the murders of Jose and Kitty Menendez?"

The question sent the courtroom into silence. Before, you could hear hums and whispers of people talking but now it was dead silent.

Rosealine gulped, her fists balling as her fingernails dug into the palms of her hands.



The brief pause had Rose holding her breath.

"I..." She started, not sure what to say anymore.

"Why did you help cover the murders of Jose and Kitty Menendez?" The prosecutor repeated, sounding impatient as each second grew.

"Because I loved and love Erik and Lyle. And I felt like their parents were awful people." Rosealines mouth curled up as she said awful, expressing her disgust. The camera zoomed in on her face more.

"You thought Jose and Kitty were awful people?"

"Yes, I did."


"When you spend years tormenting your sons, starting from childhood and breaking into adulthood—in my book you deserve the worst."

The courtroom broke out into more mumbles and whispers. Hushed words of  "How could she say such a thing?" and "She's digging herself deeper."

"What do you believe Jose and Kitty Menendez did to their sons, Erik and Lyle?"

"I believe that they abused them. Physically, verbally, emotionally and sexually. Erik always seemed like he was scared to be home and I would be too."

The first tape ends there, basically finalizing Rosealines future with a few words.

The media ripped and tore into Rosealines testimony, but they went insane when the short clip of her saying she believed the boys had been molested and abused came out.

People scream and called her a liar. From prison Rosealine wrote through her Mom, "They might as well burn me on the stake. They're acting like they wouldn't defend the ones they love."

Rosealine fought back against the media and their perception of her. In recent times, she's been praised for it. 

Her next questioning was the most brutal and as some would say, the most heart wrenching.

852 words.
i'm sorry it's so short i'm exhausted and just wanted a new chapter out lol
pls lmk what you want to see more of!
thank you sm for all the support!

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