A Gym Battle To Remember!

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Hester jogged along the path through Saffron City, Charmander perched on her head. The small Pokemon looked around the city in awe. He'd never seen so many lights in one place. It was about 7 o'clock and shops were already buzzing with their first few customers. The sun was low in the sky, casting a soft, white, morning glow. She wondered if every day as a Trainer was like this. A quick training session in the morning, then off on adventures, just you and your Pokemon.

"Today, we're going to Saffron City Gym, to challenge Sabrina!" Hester told Charmander, slightly out of breath.


"Sabrina's the Gym Leader. She's really powerful," Hester explained. "So, I wanna see if I can beat her! If we do, we'll earn the Marsh Badge. That's our first step towards the Indigo League!"


"Good morning, Hester," said Sabrina with her usual stoic mannerisms.

Hester felt a blush prick at her cheeks. "How do you know my name?"

"Psychic," said Sabrina bluntly. "So, I'm expecting you to want to battle?"

"That's right!" responded Hester, feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline.

"As a Gym Leader, it's my duty to accept all challenges. But don't expect I'll go easy on you," Sabrina replied calmly.

Hester gave a single, firm nod. Sabrina's violet eyes lingered on Hester for a moment, before–"Alakazam!"–she sent out her Alakazam. The battle had started.

"Charmander!" Hester shouted. The Lizard Pokémon leapt forwards, eager for his first battle.

"Fire Spin!" ordered Hester, eager to use the moves they learnt from that morning's training session.

Charmander roared, spinning on its toes. He blurred into light shades or orange as embers flew off his tail, infecting every corner of the battlefield. Three–seven–hit Kadabra, causing the Psi Pokémon to flinch. But, even though they hit it, it didn't score as much damage as it should have.

Hester grit her teeth. "Use Pound!"

Charmander glanced back at Hester, nodding, before flinging himself into the fray, launching itself at Kadabra. Slight damage. Again. Slight damage.

Sabrina simply observed the battlefield, intrigued. Finally, she ordered; "Psybeam!"

The Psi Pokemon unleashed the energy beam, striking Charmander in the chest. He yelped, the force of the attack throwing him back. He came to a stop at Hester's feet.

Hester immediately knelt down, placing her hand on Charmander's back. "Charmander? Are you okay?"

He gritted his teeth, standing up–

Before instantly collapsing again.

"And with that, I believe I win," Sabrina's voice came.

"It's okay. You did really well," Hester said, scooping up the Lizard Pokemon in her arms.

"Char," he said, clearly tired.

Sabrina watched the young trainer and her Pokemon before approaching them. She laid her hand onto the girl's shoulder. Hester looked up, meeting Sabrina's eyes.

"Don't be down. You and Charmander did really well for your first battle. You've shown a lot of potential. Besides, you can't expect to beat me on your first go. I've beaten champions before," said the Psychic.

"Which champions?" asked Hester, curious.

"Unimportant. But I'm saying, don't be too hard on yourself. You and Charmander are going to get stronger and stronger, I'm sure of it. And I'm a Psychic. I can see everything," Sabrina said gently.

Hester looked up, her eyes shining. The Gym Leader had definitely inspired her. Eventually, she let herself smile, chuckling quietly.

"Thanks Sabrina," she said. "I'll be back to get the Marsh Badge soon."

Sabrina smiled knowingly. "I don't think so."

Hester tilted her head, curious. Charmander mimicked his trainer.

Sabrina chuckled. "Ever heard of the World Coronation Series?"

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