Enter Jaiden And Squirtle!

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Hester held up her new Rotom Phone. Charmander observed it curiously, jumping onto the park bench to sit next to her.


Hester looked up, startled. She came face-to-face with a boy about her age with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He had a black jacket with blue shorts and grey shoes. Next to him was a Squirtle, lazily looking up at Charmander and Hester.

"I saw your Rotom. You're in the Coronation Series, right?" asked the boy.

Hester nodded, bewildered.

"Nice. I'm Jaiden of Cinnabar Island, and I'm challenging you to an official World Coronation Series battle!" announced Jaiden, energetically throwing his hands up. Squirtle shrugged, clearly less enthused than her trainer.

Hester blinked. "A battle?"

"That's right!" grinned Jaiden.

"Um–Charmander? Are you up for it?" Hester asked. The young Pokemon had given its all during the battle against Sabrina, and Hester didn't want to push it too far–especially not their first day.

"Char!" roared the Lizard Pokémon, eager to battle again.

"Alright!" said Jaiden, his grin widening. "So, now we just have to wait for the Drone Rotom..."

As if on cue, lime-green Drone darted towards them, glowing with the distinct yellow glow Rotoms usually produce. "You have been registered for an official World Coronation Series Battle!" it announced.

"That was fast," Hester noted. Jaiden nodded, eyed still on the Rotom Drone.

"Today's competitors are Hester of Saffron City, versus Jaiden of Cinnabar Island. Will both trainers please bring out their Pokémon!" the Drone said automatically.

Hester called on Charmander.

Jaiden called on Squirtle.

"And... Battle begin!"

"Squirtle, Water Gun!" yelled Jaiden, claiming the first move.

"Dodge it and follow up with Flamethrower!" cried Hester.

The two small Pokémon immediately mimicked their trainers' commands, moving in a blur around the battlefield. Charmander rolled to the side just as Squirtle's Water Gun hit the ground where the Lizard Pokémon was previously standing. Squirtle snarled, staring at the wet ground, a painful reminder of her failure. From behind her, she heard her trainer yell; "Watch out!"

She looked up just in time to see Charmander open his mouth and send a Flamethrower in her direction. She let out an involuntary yelp as the fire enveloped her body.

Jaiden hesitated, glancing at his partner, who was still covered in scorch marks from the attack.

"Can you keep going?" he asked carefully.

Squirtle turned around giving a hard nod.

Jaiden paused, before yelling, "Skull bash!"

Squirtle nodded again, then immediately ran straight at Charmander.

"Charmander!" yelled Hester. The Fire-Type was too slow to dodge this time, Squirtle managing to clock him in the stomach.

Charmander doubled over, but he was still on his feet. Hester just needed to find a way to deliver one quick attack and, end it.

Jaiden stared at the battlefield. Both Pokémon were growing tired.

"Leer!" yelled Hester. "And use Tackle once she's weak!"

Jaiden flinched. "Squirtle, don't look at Charmander, okay?"

Squirtle cringed at the battle plan, turning to glare at her trainer, clearly not impressed with his battle plan.

"Use Water Gun! ...And cover your eyes!" Jaiden said.

Squirtle rolled her eyes, putting her hands over her eyes and aiming a Water Gun in Charmander's general direction.

"Flamethrower!" yelled Hester.

Squirtle, dodge!" Jaiden fumbled. 


Her line of thought was interrupted by a sudden, intense heat. Her eyes widened in shock as she slumped down.

The battle was decided.

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