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It was October, and Haven felt the cool breeze of autumn swirl around him as he walked through the streets of his small town. The leaves were turning vibrant shades of red and gold, but their beauty was lost on him. He had been searching for Maria for months, and with each passing day, the hope of finding her dwindled.

Their last encounter echoed in his mind like a haunting refrain. They had fought, and in the heat of the moment, he had let her walk away, thinking it would be temporary. But as the weeks turned into months, he realized he hadn't seen her since. He missed her, missed the way she challenged him, the way she understood his writing like no one else. She was the one who had encouraged him to pursue his passion, always eager to hear his latest drafts and provide constructive feedback.

In her absence, Patricia had stepped in. She was lively, confident, and eager to fill the void Maria had left behind. At first, it was comforting; Patricia showered him with compliments about his writing, praising every word he wrote. "This is brilliant, Senpai!" she would say, her eyes sparkling as she read his work. "You have such a gift!"

Her constant praise became a balm for his wounded heart. It was easy to lose himself in her words, to forget the emptiness that had settled inside him since Maria had disappeared. Patricia was always there, ready to lift him up, to celebrate his successes, even if they felt less significant without Maria to share them with.

"Have you thought about sending your story to a publisher?" Patricia asked one afternoon, her enthusiasm palpable as they sat at their favorite café. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, and the cozy atmosphere was a stark contrast to the turmoil in Haven's heart.

"I've completed it," he said, unable to contain the small thrill that raced through him. "But I just wish Maria were here to read it. She always gave me such great feedback."

Patricia waved a dismissive hand, her smile unwavering. "You don't need her, Senpai. Look at how far you've come! You've finished your story, and I'm telling you, it's incredible. You don't need anyone else's opinion to know that."

Her words, though comforting, felt hollow to Haven. Deep down, he understood that no one could replace Maria's insightful critiques. She had a way of understanding his work on a level that Patricia couldn't touch. Yet, he found himself swept up in Patricia's positivity, and slowly, he began to forget the depth of his connection with Maria.

As the weeks passed, Haven submitted his completed story to a few publishers, encouraged by Patricia's unwavering support. "You're going to be a success, I just know it!" she exclaimed, her excitement infectious. He could feel his own enthusiasm growing as well, a part of him eager to see what the world would think of his work.

But whenever he sat down to write, he found his thoughts drifting back to Maria. What had happened to her? Why hadn't she reached out? Did she miss him as he missed her? And yet, every time he reached for his phone to send a message, he hesitated, unsure of what to say. It felt wrong to ask after someone he had let go.

One evening, as they sat together under the warm glow of a streetlamp, Patricia leaned closer, her eyes shining with admiration. "Haven, you really have a gift. I can't get enough of your writing. You should be so proud of yourself."

"Thanks," he replied, the weight of her praise filling the space where his thoughts about Maria used to linger. Yet, a pang of guilt washed over him. He felt like he was betraying Maria's memory by moving on so easily.

As October drew to a close, Haven had forgotten how to feel truly sad about Maria. Patricia filled the silence with laughter, and her adoration of his work made him feel appreciated in a way he had longed for. But every now and then, he'd catch a glimpse of a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye or hear a laugh that sounded like hers, and his heart would lurch.

One day, as they sat in the park, Patricia flipped through the pages of his completed story. "This part here," she pointed, "is just brilliant. I mean it. You're going to be a star."

Haven smiled, but the joy felt subdued. "I just wish I could share it with Maria."

Patricia's smile faltered for a brief moment, then she recovered, her voice smooth. "Why are you still holding onto her, Haven? You've moved on. Embrace what's in front of you."

"I guess you're right," Haven said, forcing a smile. But inside, he couldn't shake the feeling that something essential was missing, like a puzzle piece he had accidentally lost.

As the days turned into weeks, Haven threw himself into his writing and Patricia's companionship, trying to convince himself that it was enough. He completed drafts, submitted his work, and started planning for the future, but a part of him still wondered about Maria.

And one chilly October evening, as he sat in the café, watching the leaves dance in the wind, he realized that while he had created a life filled with laughter and praise, he had also let go of the one person who had understood him best. Patricia had filled the void, but in doing so, she had also dimmed the memory of Maria.

As he sipped his coffee, Haven's heart tightened with the realization that he had forgotten Maria, not because he wanted to, but because he had allowed someone else to take her place. And as the night deepened, he knew he had to confront his feelings for her, no matter how difficult it would be.

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