Fall Weather Friends

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"You know what? Not bad for a pony who mostly works with his head in the clouds." Said Braeburn. The pegasus standing next to him grinned.

"Oh yeah? Think you can do better? Asked Soarin. Both of them stood in front of a short pole with one horseshoe laying roughly a hoof from it.

"I don't think. I know I can do better." The earth pony replied nonchalantly.

He took another horseshoe and swinged in the direction of the rod. This time the metal object landed 3 hoof lengths from the destined target. The apple farmer groaned.

"You remember, you have to throw it as close to the pole as possible, right?" Asked Soarin Snidely.

"Alright, alright." Replied Braeburn, irritated. "It's time for you to shine again. Take it away."

The pegasus took the horseshoe in his teeth and threw it. This time if flew over the stick and hit something with a thud.

"Ow!" A male voice rang out.

Braeburn's blood ran cold as he recognized it. Soon enough his older cousin emerged from the bushes. The red stallion was massaging the side of his head.

"That was him." Soarin said immediately pointing hoof to his earth pony companion.

"W-what? You lying piece of-"

"Ah don't care who threw it." Big Mac interrupted his cousin. "What ah care about is why there are unbucked trees in the west wing?"

Braeburn scratched the back of his head.

"I don't know, I agreed with Aj that she will be doing that part today, so go ask her."

The red stallion nodded his head unconvinced. "Alright, I also came here to tell you that the dinner will be in half an hour. Your friend is free to stay as well.

Soarin waved his hoof. "Naah. Thanks for the offer but ma is already cooking something up. Wouldn't want to upset her."

Big Mac nodded his head understandingly.

"As you wish. Have fun, you two whatever you are doing."

And with that he left.

Braeburn frowned at his pegasus friend.

"What was that all about?"

"Sorry man but I had to. If I hadn't done that your cousin might have given me a black eye. You're his family so you'll be fine."

"He is not that kind of pony. He wouldn't have done anything to you."

"I think you might be biased, let's end on that."

Soarin looked at the rest of the horseshoes cockily. "I think it's your turn to humiliate yourself now."

Braeburn took the u-shaped piece of metal and closed his eyes taking a deep breath.

He tried his hardest to visualize the horseshoe landing on a rod. He had this.

The earth stallion opened his eyes and threw the metal object. For Braeburn it was eternity before it landed.

The horseshoe fell directly on the pole.

"Yee-haw! That's how you do it here on the apple farm!"

The pegasus growled something under his breath and kicked the ground with hir right foreleg.

"What was that?" Asked Braeburn with pride in his voice

"I hate losing." Grumbled Soarin.

"Don't worry you're quite an athlete. It just happens that I'm better than you." The earth pony said boastfully.

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