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From between the clouds Comet could start making out a silhouette. A Town not bigger than few thousand ponies.

When the royal chariot pulled by two pegasi landed Comet could finally take a better look. It was an old town with a square. Had a really nice rustic charm to it.

"Thanks guys." He told the two guards before getting down from the chariot with Spike and his baggages. They nodded in understanding and took off.

"You know, the best way to break the ice so to speak is to just try getting it over with." Dragon said to his adoptive brother.

They noticed an earth pony stallion with light gamboge coat and brown curly mane. He was wearing a yellow polo shirt and his cutie mark was that of cut cheese sandwich.

"Let's try with this guy." Spike proposed.

"Alright, let's get this over with."

The pony in question was getting closer and closer.

"Hi, I'm Comet Tail, I'm sorry to bother but I just wanted to ask-"

The puffy-maned stallion stopped in his track and looked at the comet with his green eyes. Suddenly his left hind leg started vibrating.

"Umm, everything okay there, buddy?"

Stallion's face turned to that of pity and compassion. Before Comet knew it the stranger was already hugging him.

"You poor, poor soul. What went wrong in your life?"

Comet did not know what to say.

"Excuse me?"

"Your party life. It's been pretty much nonexistent since you turned twelve right?"

Comet was released from the awkward hug.


"Shh" The stallion put his hoof on the comet's mouth. "You poor, poor soul. Don't you worry, I, Cheese Sandwich vow to make you a part you won't forget for the rest of your life. See ya then!"

And with that he disappeared into the alleyways of the town.

"That was interesting." Said Spike.

"Creepy is the word I'd use."

They couldn't pay too much mind to the eccentric stallion. There were still things that needed supervision.

"So what's on the list sent by the princess?" Asked the unicorn.

Spike took out a small piece of paper.

"Banquet preparation. It's written here that we will have to head towards Sweet Apple Acres."

"Let's not waste any more time then." Said the pony and both of them headed towards their destination. After a few minutes of asking around and actually walking they reached a Enormous red farmhouse. Next to it was an apple Orchard that stretched out for miles.


The duo noticed an earth pony stallion with light golden coat and gamboge mane. Upon him rested a leather vest and a cowboy hat. He tucked his hind legs up and bucked the tree with enough force to make all of the apples fall down.

"This guy definitely means business." Comet muttered to himself. "Hello there, hi! My name's Comet Tail and-"

" Hey there now partner! Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, where we sure do love makin' new friends. Ah'm Braeburn here, an' how might Ah be able tah help yuh out?" Stallion spurted out while vigorously shaking the unicorn's hoof.

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