Friendship is Magic part 2

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"Seize her!" Mayor Mare commanded the pegasi guards, mustering as much courage as she could. "Only she knows where the Princess is!"

They followed her order.

Nightmare Moon's eyes shined a sinister glow.

"Stand Back you fools!" She said while releasing thunderbolts from her mane. All of them hit their targets rendering all of the guards useless. The terrifying mare then turned into mist and vanished into the dark night.

"Hey!" Soarin shouted. He followed the mist outside of Town Hall only to find out that she was faster than he expected.

"Come back! I'm not done with you just yet!" He blustered while being suspended in the air. The gravity of the situation started slowly getting through to him.

He turned his gaze to the ground. A lot of ponies running away from the hall, but only one attracted Soarin's attention. The only one that knew the alicorn's identity. A pale yellow pegasus with blue mane.

"And just where are you going?" The pegasus whispered to himself.

Back in the Golden Oak library a certain dragon was sleeping peacefully in his bed. It was understandable. He was a young specimen who spent most of the night partying. His brother on the other hoof was frantically flipping through different books.

"Come on now, there has to be a way to stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony." He muttered to himself.

"Thought I'd find you here."

Comet looked behind him to find Soarin giving him a stern look.

"If you want to borrow a book, come in when the fate of Equestria isn't at stake."

"How come you were the only pony that knew anything about the Nightmare Moon? That's suspicious as hay."

"I've read a book." Replied Comet, a hint of cold in his voice. "You should give it a try sometime. I still have Spike's old books. You would like them, a lot of pictures, almost no words."

"I see. You're a funny guy. I wonder if you will be able to joke around with only half of your teeth remaining."

Before Comet could respond a third voice chimed in.

"Get a hold of yourself, Soar and use your head for crying out loud." Boomed Thunderlane. Apart from him Braeburn, Time Turner and Cheese Sandwich gathered in the room.

"How could the protege of Celestia, or anypony at that matter, benefit from eternal darkness."

Soarin muttered something to himself but calmed down.

"But the issue remains." Thunderlane now turned to Comet. "If we are to help you need to share your knowledge with us."

" I second that." Said Time Turner.

"Damn right!" Proclaimed Braeburn.

"Consider me a collateral damage in whatever we're about to do." Added Cheese Sandwich.

"Whatever." Muttered Soarin

Comet took a good look at the gathered stallions. Quite an interesting crew they were. Unicorn chuckled.

"Alright. The only thing that can stop Nightmare Moon are the artefacts known as Elements of Harmony. The only problem is that I can't find anything about what they are, what they do, or for that matter where-"

"What about 'The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide?" Cheese Sandwich cut in.

"What? How did you find that?" Comet asked as he quickly appeared next to the earth pony.

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