Boast Busters

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"Come on Comet! You can do it!" Exclaimed Spike. Both of them were at the Golden Oak library.

"Okay, here it goes!" The unicorn flared up his horn and shot a beam in the direction of Spike's muzzle. Shortly after a pair of mustache grew under the drake's nostrils.

"Ha ha! Ya did it! Growing magic, that's number twenty-five. Twenty-five different types of tricks and counting. And I think this is the best trick so far."

He looked at himself in the mirror.

"Hello, Rarity. What's that? Aw, it's nothin', just my awesome mustache. "

Reptile giggled to himself.

"Sorry Romeo but this stache is only for practice. It's gotta go."

Comet fired another spell, this one got rid of Spike's pride.

Young dragon deflated slightly.

"Come on, let's go to the town's square, I'm sure something interesting is going to happen today." Comet said wanting Spike to stop thinking about his loss.

"I don't get it with you." Spike told Comet while they were strolling through the main square. "You've performed twenty five kinds of tricks already. Shouldn't unicorns have just a little bit of magic that is tied to their special talent?"

"Not necessarily." Replied the unicorn. "That's true for some unicorns but some of them can spend their whole life perfecting the arcane arts. Think of Starswirl or Fleeing Whisper, the Great Archmage of the west."

"So kinda like you."

"I'd need to have my head up my flank to think I'm anywhere near their level."

"I think you're selling yourself short there. The only other unicorn your age with similar skills that I can name is Twilight."

Comet smiled faintly. "I wonder how she's doing."

"What did she write to you?" Asked Spike without thinking.

His older brother didn't say anything back.

Spike looked at him.

"You did write to her, right?" Spike pressed him.

Comet sighed. "It's... complicated, Spike."

"What exactly? You pick up the pen, dip it in ink and describe what you've been through."

" I have trouble forming my thoughts. They've been wandering around for a while."

"Huh? Is that so? Can I help you in any way with that?"

"No, you wouldn't get it."

"Try me."

Comet chuckled. "Wow you really are relentless today, aren't you?"

"I just want to help you solve a problem."

"There is none."

"You're not acting like yourself. You two have been practically joined at the hip throughout your whole foalhood and now you don't know how to talk to her?"

"Can you just drop it please?" Comet asked, a little more aggression in his voice than he planned.

Spike raised his claws in defeat. "As you wish."

The unicorn wanted to apologize for his sudden outburst but before he could say anything a pair of colts almost run into him.

"Gangway! Coming through!

He recognized the pair as Snips and Snails. It probably wasn't the nicest thing to say but they struck him as not the brightest foals in the area.

The shorter of them Snips rammed into Spike, probably not out of spite but simply not noticing him.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 hours ago ⏰

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