Saving You

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We fished until the Drifters could beheard in the distance.

I watched him and he watched me—as ifI didn't know what I was doing.

"Don't you remember?"

"Remember what? Your pussy?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, Henry...usfishing when we were kids."

"I don't recall."

"My dad couldn't come that day so youwere helping me. We loved fishing together."

"I thought I always went with theboys.."

I smiled, "And me.."

"And you.."

He was trying so hard to recall what Iwas telling him. I don't think it was for my benefit, though..onlyhis.

He was mad that he couldn't rememberand I understood that.

I suddenly stepped awkwardly andslipped, my gasp alerting him.

Turning quickly, he grabbed me by thewaist and pulled me in—all of our gear falling to the ground as welet go.

"Where the hell are you going?"

"I slipped..."

"Trying to run away from me?"

"What? You're nonsensical."

"Am I, though?" He was acting as ifit was my fault that he was crazed and couldn't remember so manythings.

"We're not getting anywhere with thisrunning around so you can just let me go,-"

I couldn't get the words out of mymouth before he pushed off of me and I slipped again—slipping intothe river below.



Fuck, I hadn't meant for her to fall—Ithought she had her footing.


She screamed as the current took heraway from me and I didn't know what else to do except for jump inafter her.

I couldn't catch up and then I lostsight of her.

My heart sank when I saw part of hershirt hanging from a branch. Trying to swim closer to the bank, Iwondered if she was able to grab hold of the limb and climb out.



I jerked my head to the right and sawher being dragged away by the Drifters.

"Oh hell no!!"

Shifting into my wolf form, I racedafter the orc carrying my wife like a ragdoll over his shoulders.

Before he could get far, I tackled himto the ground, sending Molly flying.

She landed with a thud against a treeand I could only hope she wasn't hurt—or worse.

"You son of a bitch!" I growled asI turned hybrid. I shifted so quickly that he had no idea what hithim when my fist sent him half a mile through the forest, "Don'tyou EVER touch my wife AGAIN!!"

I called out to the wild, hoping mybrothers heard me.

"You will start a war that youcertainly won't be able to win, assholes!"

I felt them coming for me, but then Iheard screams and howls from the Drifters as my brothers rushed inand we fought—hard with no turning back.


As I was taking the blow from anotherorc who joined the melee, I heard her soft voice.

I didn't want to shift back into myflesh form, but I had to—nodding to a fellow wolf who took over myfight for me.


" hurts.." Molly moaned as Ifelt her head, touching the huge lump on the back of her skull,"Henry.."

"Shhh.." I whispered, "I've gotyou.."

I picked her up gently and turned to ahealer, "Come with us now."

Following us to the edge of the forestand closer to the river, my healer James, wasted no time taking careof her.

"You're going to be alright," Itold her, kneeling next to her as James covered her body with hisjacket, "She's.."

James smiled, "She's just fine."

He released his hand from the back ofher head and Molly smiled up at me groggily.

"Can we go home?"

"Home..."I smiled, "Yes, let's gohome."

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