The Enemy of my Enemy

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A/N Aside from my OCs I don't own any of the characters that appear here, all rights belong to their respective owners. Thanks to Zzshark_Stormbeard for allowing me to use their character Serial Designation U from their Murder Drones fan comic Serial Designation U

July 15th, 2602, Fort Mavrick, Zeta Luna 450 miles behind the frontline.

Evan Smith the Supreme Commander of the Hylian Armed Forces sat down at his desk as he wondered what to do. The Quazon Pact had taken control of most of the northwestern regions of Zeta Luna, and they were trying to push deeper into the Ironvale region with General Richardson's 34th Corps holding the line north of Fosa for the time being. "Damn it has gone up shits creek" Evan muttered to himself as there was a knock on his office door. "Who is it" Evan asked. "It's Captain Emily Cross sir permission to enter" came the reply. "Come on in" Evan said. The captain entered the room and saluted Evan who quickly returned the salute.  Captain Cross sat down in a chair as Evan sat up straight. Captain, you questioned our guest in the brig I want your honest opinion on her" Evan asked Cross. "Sir it seems like she genuinely had no recollection of what she had done" Cross told Evan. "So, I guess we can't try her in court as per the Winter Soldier clause" Evan commented. "There is one thing sir she seemed to be horrified about what happened" Cross added as Evan walked out the room. "Aren't we all" Evan said before leaving.

The cold sterile lighting of Uzi's holding cell cast long shadows on the walls emphasizing the starkness of the room. It was a small, confined space with nothing but a metal bench a small table with a chair and a reinforced titanium door that seemed to swallow any hope of escape. Uzi sat on the bench her back against the wall her knees drawn up against her chest. Uzi's eyes normally a bright vibrant shade of purple was now a darker dull shade of purple reflecting the mental torment she had been going through over the few weeks the nightmares and the insane voice in her end had driven her close to her wits end. The sound of boot steps echoed outside as the cell door hissed open revealing a man with spiked hair in an olive drab service uniform with service ribbons pinned on his chest and the name SMITH on his nametag. "Uzi doorman I'm" the man said holding out his hand before Uzi interrupted "Evan Smith thirty-three years old and the youngest to be the Supreme Commander of the Hylian Armed forces" she said. "It seems my reputation precedes me" Evan said sarcastically before looking Uzi dead in the eye. "Uzi, we need to talk" Evan said as he took a seat in the chair. Uzi looked at Evan with a mix of defiance and uncertainty in her face. She had been through a lot--more than any being her age should have to go through-- but there a fire in her a stubbornness that refused to be extinguished. What do you want" Uzi asked her voice more resigned than confrontational. Evan sighed "I'm not here to judge you at least not entirely I'm here to give a choice" he said. "A choice" Uzi asked. Evan nodded as he leaned forward resting his elbows on his lap as he looked at Uzi with a level gaze. "you've been through hell, Uzi" Evan said his tone softening slightly. I've seen the footage I've read the reports, I know what V did to you how she used you as a puppet and used you as her personal killing machine, but I also know that you aren't the same person that committed those acts" Evan said. Uzi looked away her expression conflicted, the memories were still fresh in her mind fragments of violence and chaos that she still couldn't fully reconcile. "I didn't mean to...I never wanted to hurt anyone" she whispered more to herself than to Evan. "Oh but you did hurt people, and you know you liked it" the voice said. "I believe you, but intentions don't change what happened the truth is you were a part of the Phantom Legion's attack in the Melania system and that can't be overlooked" Evan said. Uzi's fist clenched at her sides, "so what then are you going to lock me up forever, or worse " she asked. Evan shook his head "no that's not what I want and that's not what I think you deserve" Evan paused letting his words sink in. "Uzi I'm giving you a chance to make things right, a chance to fight back against the people who did this to you, to prove that your more than they made you to be". Uzi looked at him a mix of confusion and hope warring in her eyes "What are you saying" she asked.  Evan stood up his posture commanding but not overbearing "you have a choice you can stay here in this cell until we figure out what to do with you, you will be safe but confined, isolated, or" he said letting the last word hang in the air for a moment, "you can join Sentinel One" he finished. Uzi blinked taken aback by the offer "Join Sentinel One? But why would you trust me" she asked. Evan gave her a small almost imperceptible smile as he stood up "because I see potential in you Uzi. You got skills abilities that could make a difference in this godforsaken war and also because I believe that people deserve a chance at redemption" Evan told Uzi "But this isn't going to be easy joining Sentinel one means that you will be serving with the people who lost friends to the Phantom Legion so you will have to prove yourself to them over and over again before they start trusting you" Evan warned. Uzi was silent the weight of the decision pressing down on her, she thought about everything that happened everything she had done this was her chance to do something right and to fight back against the darkness that had consumed her life finally she looked up at Evan determination in her eyes "I'll do It I will join Sentinel one" she told him. Evan nodded respect evident in his gaze. "Good report to Captain Richards immediately" he said as the two left the cell."yes sir" Uzi said as she went of to start her new life.

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