Calm before the Storm

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A/N: Aside from my OCs I do not own any of the characters that may appear in this Fanfiction. Thanks to Zzshark_Stormbeard for allowing me to use their character Serial Designation U from their Murder Drones fan comic: Serial Designation U

July 2nd, 2602, Royal Palace, the city of Vostrova, the planet of Antara, capital of the Antares Empire  

the sound of footsteps echoed throughout the halls of the Royal palace as thirty-two-year-old Empress Anastasia Draganova was heading to a meeting with her war council to discuss the final preparations for Operation: Typhoon. Anastasia entered the War Room and was greeted by Seventy-two-year-old Chief Marshal Nikolay Smirnov and Fifty-year-old Chief Admiral Sergey Vasilev. "Welcome your highness" Marshal Smirnov said bowing down as Anastasia sat down. "What's the progress on the preparations for operation typhoon" Anastasia asked.  The las of the invasion forces will finish loading on their transports by this evening and they depart tomorrow" Marshal Smirnov said. What about our naval forces Anastasia asked looking at looked at Admiral Vasilev "the thirty fifth, thirty sixth, thirty seventh, thirty eighth, thirty ninth, fortieth and forty first, Assault Fleets, the Entente Federation's seventieth, seventy third, twenty sixth fleets along with contingents from other members of the Quazon Pact have gathered in the Nordvikia system and are awaiting orders" Admiral Vasilev said. "Good how about the Alekey what's it's status" Anastasia asked. "Your highness the station is currently undergoing its last preservice trials which are expected to complete by the end of the week" Vasilev said. Very well then, I will be in my quarters if anything arises that requires my attention" Anastasia said as she got out of her chair and left the room. Anastasia walked into her room and sat down and read a book "Into the Darkness: The Battle of Umbara" by Charles Davidson. "He had always obsessed with these books" Anastasia said to herself as he looked at a picture of her and a man standing next to each other. The man had naturally spiked black hair cut short in military fashion, blue eyes, and he was wearing a jacket with a patch that had the words 501st Legion below a blue emblem and jeans. The picture was dated July 6th, 2582, roughly three years before Anastasia became the empress of the Antares Empire. "That bastard is going to pay for leaving me all those years ago" Anastasia said to herself as she looked out a window giving her a view of the city of Vostrova. 

July 5th ,2602, Onboard the Phantom Class Stealth Frigate HINS Specter 9th Recon Flotilla Zeta Luna system the capital of the New Republic of Hyrule.

The HINS Specter exited Aether space near Trident Naval base on Zeta Luna's moon. The Specter docked at the base and passengers and crew disembarked with four Marines escorting Uzi off the ship and led her to the base's Brig where she would be kept for the time being. Rear admiral Samual Clark the commander of the 9th Recon Flotilla walked into the office of Grand Admiral Zyran Voss the Commander in chief of the Hylian Navy. Clark welcome back I take it that Operation Blackjack was a success" Voss said motioning for Clark to take a seat. "It was a success sir tough the majority Phantom Legion ships managed to get away" Clark answered. "Ok then I want a full after-action report by the end of the day." Zyran ordered as Clark left the room. As Clark left Zyran's office the Supreme Commander of the Hylian Armed Forces Evan Smith entered the room "sir what do you think of this" Zyran asked. I think that there are bigger things at play here because this doesn't fit the Phantom Legion's MO" Evan replied as he ate a nutrient ration bar. "so, you think someone is pulling the strings sir" Zyran asked "yes I'm certain of it" Evan said as he finished the ration bar. "I will get Zeta Seven to look into its sir" Zyran told Evan. "Good and have the base and all orbital defense stations be put on high alert just in case" Evan ordered. "Yes sir" Zyran replied as Evan left the room

A/N I know this chapter is shorter than most and that's because I couldn't think of anything else to add without it either seeming forced or putting stuff that's supposed to be in the next chapter into this one, so I decided to add some lore here

The New Republic of Hyrule: A republic formed from the ashes of the Kingdom of Hyrule 570 years after the upheaval (2312 standard calendar). The New Republic of Hyrule can be considered a Constitutional Monarchy since the royal family still holds some power and can order the Sente and President around in times of extreme crises such as during the Monster Extermination War (2315-2318) or during the first few months of the Great Galactic War (December 2597 to March 2598).

Hylian military: Taking lessons learned during the early years of the Republic's history, the New Republic of Hyrule puts a large emphasis has been put on maintaining a strong military even in times of peace. 

The Hylian Military is divided into four service branches, and they are as follows 

the Army: specializes in combined arms ground warfare,

the Royal Marine Corps: specializes in planetary assaults and expeditionary warfare and consists of twenty-one divisions, 

the Airforce: specializes in operating aircraft in planetary atmospheres including fighters, bombers and transports. 

The Imperial Navy operates space going warships from massive Malevolence Class Battleships and Venator II Class Carriers to the versatile Atlas Class Cruisers and Arquitens II Class Light Cruisers, the small and nimble Raptor Class Destroyers and the silent but deadly Phantom Class Stealth Frigates

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