Resistance Behind Enemy Lines

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A/N Aside from my OCs I don't own any of the characters that may appear all rights belong to their respective owners. Thanks to Zzshark_Stormbeard for allowing me to use their character Serial Designation U from their Murder Drones fan comic Serial Designation U

July 30th, 2602, 2240 hours, Volaris region, near Route 67, twenty-six days into the Quazon Pact's invasion of Zeta Luna

The Volaris region once a thriving industrial hub become a battleground Quazon Pact forces had entrenched themselves deep within the territory, their supply lines running through the heart of the region feeding their war machine that threatened to consume the New Republic of Hyrule. Highways that once carried trade and commerce now lifelines for the enemy transporting munitions, fuel and reinforcements to the frontline. The Hylian sprit of resistance had not been extinguished for deep behind enemy lines in the shadow of Quazon Pact occupation pockets of resistance had formed. These men and women were not soldiers----at least not anymore---- but civilians, reservists, and former servicemembers who refused to allow their homeland fall without a fight. One such group led by Captain Steven Turner a 37-Year-old reservist from the town of Talmor in the Yunho Region had been operating in the Volaris region for weeks. Turner was a veteran having served in the Hylian Army in the 2580's before returning to his peaceful life as a teacher, but when the invasion came, and the Quazon Pact began their relentless advance Turner once again took up arms. His resistance cell was small-numbering at seventeen people including himself- but they were determined to wreak havoc. Each member wore a blue and gold colored armband-the colors of the Hylian flag- They had become a symbol of defiance in a region overrun by the enemy. Their latest target an Antares supply depot on Highway 67 a critical node in the enemy's supply chain. The night was cold the air thick with the tension of what was to come. Turner crouched behind a ridge overlooking the depot his eyes scanning the facility through the scope of a captured Antares AV-97 Assault rifle. The weapon felt foreign in Turner's hands, but it was powerful reliable and in the hands of someone like Turner deadly. His men were spread out in the darkness a mix of Hylians like himself and some Rito and Sheikah armed with a hodgepodge of weapons some salvaged from fallen Hylian troops others captured from the enemy. The blue and gold armband hastily tied around their arms would serve as their only means of identification in the chaos that would follow. "Everyone in position" Turner's voice crackled over the shortrange RX-49 radio his voice calm and measured. "Affirmative captain" came the whispered replies one after another. "Good" Turner said his eyes narrowing as he focused on the depot. The facility was heavily guarded with Antares soldiers patrolling the perimeter and automated turrets scanning the area, but Turner chose this night for a reason---the guards were complacent, and the darkness would be their ally. "On my Mark" Turner whispered, his finger resting lightly on the trigger of his rifle, he counted the seconds in his head the tension rising with each passing moment then he gave the order "Mark" and at that moment the night exploded into chaos. Turner squeezed the trigger of his rifle barking out a burst of fire that took out the closest guard before they could react. The rebels opened up with a barrage of gunfire, their weapons lighting up the darkness as they poured bullets into the enemy. The Antares soldiers scrambled to return fire, but the rebels were already on the move. Turner led the attack his rifle cutting down enemies as he moved through the depot with his men following close behind him as they moved through the facility with ruthless efficiency. Explosions rocked the facility as Turner's men set charges on fuel tanks and ammunition stores. The Antares forces caught off guard and overwhelmed began to fall back but the rebels cut them down without hesitation. "Charges set Captain" on of Turners men shouted his voice barely audible over the din of battle "Good everyone fall back to the ridge" Turner ordered. The rebels moved quickly retreating back to their positions back on the ridge as the last of the charges were set with turner being the last to leave as he covered his men's retreat with precise bursts of fire. As they reached the safety of the ridge Turner raised his hand signaling the detonation. The night lit up with a blinding flash as the charges went off followed by a series of thunderous explosions that ripped through the depot, fire and smoke billowed into the night sky as the facility was consumed in a fiery inferno. The rebels watched in silence as the depot was reduced to rubble the flames casting an eerie glow over the landscape. Turner allowed himself a grim smile---they had struck another blow on the invaders. Good work everyone" Turner said lowering his rifle. "Let's move out before more of those Antares bastards show up" Turner said right before he and the other rebels melted into the darkness disappearing into the night just as quickly as they had appeared. Antares forces would discover what little remained of the depot but by then Turner and his men would be long gone, ready to strike again when the time was right.

Extra lore:

AV-97 Assault rifle: The standard issue assault rifle of the Antares Empire, designed and produced by Voronezh Armament Concerns in 2597, was a direct response to the Hylian Army's adoption of the M23 Carbine in 2583. The AV-97 is chambered in 5.45mm AP round and as a rate of fire of 760 RPM

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