Planning a Rescue

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A/N: I couldn't figure out what to put in the chapter that was supposed to happen right before this one, so I just scrapped it all you need to know is that the Supreme Commander got captured by the Antares Empire's Red Serpents Special Forces Brigade (think Spetsnaz) and now the Hylians are going to figure out how they are going to rescue him. 

A/N: Aside from my OCs I don't own any of the characters that may appear all rights belong their respective owners. Thanks to Zzshark_Stormbeard for allowing me to use their character Serial Designation U from their Murder Drones fan comic Serial Designation U 

August 13th, 2602, Trident Naval base forty days since the Quazon Pact started their invasion of Zeta Luna, three days since the attack on Fort Mavrick.

The atmosphere in the command center was tense as the Hylian High Command gathered to discuss a plan to rescue the Hylian Supreme Commander Evan Smith who had been captured in a daring Antares raid on Fort Mavrick three days prior. The tension hung heavy over everyone present as each officer present fully understood the gravity of the situation. Grand Admiral Zyran Voss a seasoned leader and acting Supreme Commander stood at the head of the war table to his left stood Captain Joshua "Static" Richards and 1st Lieutenant Ryan Carter the commanders of Strike Team Alpha and Spartan Fireteam Redhawk respectively. On Zyran's right stood Grand Admiral Nick Jhonson, General George Tompson, the commanders of the Hylian Imperial Navy's 1st fleet and the Hylian Army's SPECWARCOM respectively. Zyran pressed a button on the holographic display highlighting the current position of the Antares Command Station Alekey at the edge of the Zeta Luna system. "We're running out of time" Zyran began his voice commanding the room's attention. 'The Supreme Commander's capture has put the Republic at jeopardy we need a plan to rescue him, and we need it now." "Well, a full-frontal assault would just be suicide since the Alekey has more guns than a fleet of Star Destroyers so that's out of the question " Richards said. "Then what do you propose" Zyran asked. "If I may sir, I have an idea" Tompson said. "Go on" Zyran said. Tompson cleared his throat as he tapped on the Holo-Table and brought up a detailed map of the Alekey and its defending fleets "We could deploy our fleets as a diversion, while a Phantom-Class Stealth Frigate deploys Strike Team Alpha and Fireteam Redhawk to extract Evan before the enemy realizes what's happening," Thompson explained. Admiral Jhonson nodded in agreement. "it's risky but it could work we just need to hit them hard enough to buy the operatives enough time to do their job" Jhonson said. Zyran took a deep breath as he weighed the pros and cons of the suggested plan it was a risky plan on that would require precision, cooperation and a bit of luck but it was their best chance at rescuing Evan.  "Operation Furious that's we will call it Admiral Jhonson you will coordinate the fleets, Captain Richards; Lieutenant Carter you two get your men ready to ship out immediately" Zyran ordered before dismissing everyone. 

August 19th, 2602, HINS Specter Ready room enroute to rally point Foxtrot 

The cold metallic interior of the ready room echoed with the sounds of weapons being prepped and gear being secured. Members of Strike Team Alpha moved with practiced precision the weight of the upcoming task hung heavily in the air like a final calm before the storm. Sargent Jhon Wolf sat at a work bench cleaning the barrel of his M45 Shotgun, his face was a mask of concentration, but his thoughts were elsewhere. "This is a fucking suicide mission" Wolf muttered his gruff voice cutting through the silence, he glanced at the others his eyes narrowing as he continued. " We're supposed to go into an enemy fleet and break into a heavily armed battle station, I don't care how fucking good we are that's a one-way trip" across from him Staff Sargeant Kevin Mccoy loaded 5.56mm FMJ-AP rounds into a 30-round magazine. "didn't hear you complaining during Operation Blackjack" Mccoy retorted his voice laced with sarcasm. Wolf shot Mccoy a glare "we weren't blasting through an entire enemy fleet during Blackjack there's a big difference between rescuing hostages and this " Wolf said. Nearby Sargeant Ghost was donning his RAKSHASA armor each piece fitting together with mechanical precision. "Both of you shut up" Ghost snapped his voice muffled by his SHIKARI helmet and laced with irritation. "We have our bloody orders and by god we will carry them out, you think whining is going to change anything?" Wolf grumbled under his breath as he fell silent and focused back on his shotgun, Mccoy just shook his head sliding the magazine into his carbine with a sharp click. At that moment the door to the ready room hissed open as the leader of Strike Team Alpha Captain Joshua "Static" Richards and Spartans of Fireteam Redhawk walked in alongside them was Uzi whose small robotic frame stood out against the towering Spartans and Hylians. Wolfs eyes widened slightly as he took in the newcomers "are these guys supposed to be our back up" he asked his voice dripping with skepticism "because if twelve Spartans and a murderous worker drone is all there sending then we are fucking screwed". Static's eyes narrowed slightly but he kept his composure "High command is pulling out all the stops with this one we're not going in blind or alone." Wolf wasn't convinced, his expression still skeptical "and what about her" Wolf asked nodding towards Uzi. "Is she supposed to be a part of the plan? How do we know she won't turn on us". Static stepped towards Wolf his voice taking a more serious tone "Evan was the one who assigned her to Strike Team Alpha" Static said. "If you have any issues, you can take on with him--once we get him off the Alekey". The room fell silent the weight of Static's words sinking in. The tension hung in the air for a moment longer before Wolf finally nodded albeit reluctantly. "Fine, but I'm still keeping an eye on her" he muttered turning back to his shotgun. Static turned his attention to the others "listen up everyone" he said "this is going to be the biggest op we have ever been assigned, there's no room for doubt or hesitation, we're going rescue the Supreme Commander no matter what it takes". Everyone responded with a collective nod their resolve solidifying there was no turning back now. As Static briefed them on the final details of Operation: Furious Uzi stood quietly to the side her eyes flickering a mix of emotions. She had been given a choice now she was here---among soldiers who were wary of her yet determined to carry out their orders. It was a strange feeling being a part of something larger than herself, especially after everything she had been through. For better or for worse, Uzi was now part of Strike Team Alpha, and there was no turning back. The mission ahead would test them all but they were ready, or at least ready as they could ever be. 

Extra Lore

Sentinel 1: An elite special forces unit in the Hylian Army that undergoes similar training and augmentations to the UNSC's Spartan IVs. Sentinel 1 is divided into four Strike Teams--- Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta--each consisting of 330 Operatives 

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