Operation Typhoon Begins

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A/N: Aside from my OCs I don't own any characters that may appear all rights belong to their respective owners. Thanks to Zzshark_Stormbeard for allowing me to use their Serial Designation U character from their Murder Drones fan comic Serial Designation U.

July 6th ,2602, 0640 hours, Trident Naval base Zeta Luna's moon.

Grand Admiral Nick Jhonson walked onto the bridge of the HINS Malevolence and sat in his command chair. Good morning, Admiral how did you sleep last night" Jhonson's first officer Captain Hudson Brown asked. "I slept fine thanks for asking Hudson" Jhonson replied. "Communications anything new from the picket ships" Jhonson asked. "No sir nothing yet" the coms officer replied. "Sir with all due respect no one in their right mind is going to attack Zeta luna and if they do, they will have to deal with half a dozen fleets so there should be no reason to have a picket line set up" Hudson said. "Yeah, the planet is defended by three reserve fleets and three fleets worn down from months of fighting " Jhonson replied coldly. At that moment alarms blared as an automated voice rang out on the bridge "Aether jump detected; Aether jump detected. "Shit sound general quarters and get everyone back onboard ASAP" Jhonson ordered.

Uzi looked up as the cell was engulfed in a red light and a voice rang out "All personnel man you battle stations this is not a drill repeat all personnel man you battle stations this is not a drill". Uzi looked through her cell door window and saw people rushing down the hall adjacent to the brig. "We should use this chaos to steal a ship and go back to V" the voice in Uzi's head suggested. "No, I am not doing that and there is no we" Uzi said. "Very well then if we die in this cell don't blame me" the voice said mockingly. "You were the one who killed everyone I knew my dad, Thad, N all of them so I have every right to blame you for this" Uzi growled. "I can't deny that, and it was fun hearing their screams as I hacked them apart" the voice said sadistically. At that moment two Hylians came to the cell. One of the Hylians opened the cell door while the other kept their rifle aimed at Uzi. "Ms. doorman we are here to transport you to the surface" the first Hylian said as they led Uzi to a hanger where they boarded a shuttle. As the shuttle descended to the surface of Zeta Luna Uzi saw the Hylian fleets fighting desperately to hold their enemy at bay.

The Malevolence shook as Antares plasma impacted against its shields "damage report" Jhonson ordered. Sir turret Alpha five is down and the shields are holding a thirty seven percent" the Operations Officer replied. "Damit, have all remaining turrets fire at that Stel Class Battleship on our port side range two hundred and fifty thousand miles" Jhonson ordered. "Aye sir" the Weapons officer said as the remaining nine out of twenty turrets turned towards their target and with resounding "Boom" seven of the 24-inch sells missed the Antares battleship, but the remaining twenty-nine shells hit it dead center causing the ship to break in half under the strain. The Malevolence shook as Antares SZ-32 Trident fighters made bombing runs on the ship and the Point defense guns shooting some of them down. An SZ-32 made a mad dash towards the Malevolence's bridge either as a last-ditch effort or in a suicidal attempt to gain glory. Jhonson flinched thinking this was the end, the enemy fighter never hit the bridge for a pair of F-96C Silver Knights from the HINS Enterprise's 703rd Naval Fighter Squadron shot it down in a flaming fireball.  "Sir incoming transmission from Grand Admiral Voss" the coms officer said, "put it through" Jhonson said.  "All ships pull back to rally point Bravo" Zyran said over the coms. "You herd him Navigation plot a course for Rally Point Bravo" Jhonson ordered. "Aye sir" the nav officer said as the Malevolence turned hard to starboard with what was left of 1st Fleet.  As 1st fleet moved to Rally point Bravo a bunch of obsolete Barek-Class Destroyers went right towards the Quazon Pact fleet at full speed what the hell are those guys doing" Hudson asked, "your guess is as good as mine" Jhonson replied. The Quazon pact fleet didn't pay much attention to the Barek Class Destroyers until one rammed an Entente Federation Cruiser and exploded in a blinding bule light destroy both the Barek and the Entente Cruiser and several ships nearby. ""did that destroyer detonate its Aether drive" the Weapons officer asked as two more Bareks rammed a Sarvin Empire, Carrier with similar results. The rest of the Quazon Pact Fleet turned their attention away from the rest of the Hylian ships and focused their fire on the oncoming horde of Barek Class Destroyers which combined with the Orbital defense batteries firing at them caused the Quazon pact fleet to scatter as they tried getting out of the effective firing range of the orbital defense platforms. Well, damn I did not expect that" Jhonson mumbled. Sir we just detected a large number of enemy transports descending to the surface the planet judging by their course they are going to land in the Ironvale region" The nav officer reported. Looks like its time for the army to get their licks in" Jhonson said as he leaned back in his chair

Extra Lore

Barek-Class Destroyer: An obsolete destroyer class that entered service with the Hylian navy in 2430 and was the mainstay destroyer class in the Hylian navy until it was replaced by the Raptor Class Destroyer in 2550. The Barek-Class shares a passing resemblance to the UNSCs Able-Class destroyer tough with several key differences include the lack of a Magnetic Accelerator Cannon six Ion torpedo tubes (three on each side of the bow) and plasma turrets as well as being longer than the Able-Class.

F96C the naval variant of the F96 Sliver knight Star fighter with folding wings and a tail hook to assist with landing. Armament wise the F96C's loadout is identical to that of the base model, but the AIRRAM-2 missiles are replaced by UNSC designed/Hylian built M6090 ST/MMP missiles.

Grand Admiral (rank). The highest rank a Hylian Naval officer can hold without being the Supreme commander of the Hylian armed forces. Grand admirals typically command large groupings of several Hylian fleets and those from different ATO member nations. As of 2602 there are twenty-three grand admirals in active service. 

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